Principal's Report 

Jonathan Rowe 

Dear Parents and Carers,


It is hard to believe we are at the end of week 6 and Covid-19 has had a minimal affect on the learning of our students or the operation of the College. This has allowed us to enjoy, as a community, all the wonderful curricular and co-curricular activities and opportunities on offer. I have noticed our students smiles, joy and enthusiasm return and I very much sense we are beginning our healing, from the past few years, and our heart is returning.


Tuesday (8/03/2022) was International Women's Day; it's a global day celebrating women's social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. We acknowledge that there is still work to be done in achieving equality and safety for women in our global community. We have been fortunate to have so many women work to progress our community and society, and we acknowledge those who came before us, those amongst us and those in the future.


During the past week staff and students observed the start of the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday.  Ash Wednesday lasts for six weeks culminating with the extraordinary experience of resurrection on Easter Sunday. According to the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the desert, where he endured temptation.  Lent originated as a mirroring of this, fasting for 40 days as preparation for Easter.  Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of blessing ashes made from palm branches blessed on the previous year's Palm Sunday and placing them on the heads of participants.


At the same time as we observed the beginning of Lent, Eastern Europe was plunged into further conflict.  Pope Francis asked the world to pray, especially on Ash Wednesday, for peace.  Speaking at the end of a General Audience, Pope Francis invited everyone to make Ash Wednesday a Day of Fasting for Peace.


The Tutor Learning Program (TLP) is being very well attended in both sessions (Tuesday and Wednesday) at Monivae with a number of students opting to board for the night. Venues in Portland and Casterton are not however, and if low attendance continues, the school will review whether it is viable to continue throughout the year. I encourage all students to utilise the resources and opportunities the TLP provides.


The College has an extended long weekend, an extra day in lieu for the recent Discovery Day (Tuesday 15 March), and I hope you find some time to be with your family and loved ones in the coming days.


We extend a prayer of gratitude for all the women in our lives, for their strength, courage and inspiration, and we pray that we can continue to develop as a society with just and safe equality for all.


Kind regards,


Jonathan Rowe
