From the 

Acting Assistant Principal


Dear SMPPS families


They say time flies when you’re having fun so I think that must mean I have been having far too much fun here with the South Melbourne Park community as I can’t believe it is the last newsletter of the term already! It feels like only a moment ago I was introducing myself and thanking everyone for my wonderful welcome. It has continued to warm my heart to see how everyone here puts ‘Kids at the Heart’ of every decision, every conversation and every day and I hope that my work with the school has demonstrated how fully I uphold and live by this core value as well. 


In my day-to-day, I have many in-depth conversations with groups of students often centring on how to manage our emotions and feelings and respond appropriately when things don’t go as we would have liked. Two common themes come into our discussions and it would be fabulous if families could talk about these at home too.

  1. When someone has made a mistake, it is important that we don’t label that person – it is very important for us to focus on the behaviours and not the person themselves. Everyone deserves a fresh start once an issue has been dealt with. Language at home that can help is, “I am disappointed in x behaviour” not “you”
  2. We focus on our own behaviour and do not share stories about other people’s mistakes so that everyone can move on from issues.

We also love that students and adults come to us when there are concerns. It can be tempting for both students and families alike to try to resolve issues between themselves, but it is very important that parents and guardians do not directly address the children of another family. We are here to support any concerns that you have, even if you feel it is a small thing, our teachers are here to listen!


Thank you so much as always for your kind consideration of all our students’ wellbeing and keeping ‘Kids at the Heart’.


Wishing you all the most wonderful summer break, students, you have worked SO HARD – you most definitely deserve it!!








Trish Wan

Acting Assistant Principal