Parents & Friends' Association

A year of action
Well as you may be aware the PFA has certainly been active in 2022 which made a nice change to the ‘Covid years’!
We ran three sausage sizzles with one cupcake stall; assisted with the all-school production; supported the school with welcoming, information and graduation events; and continued to support the running of the second hand unform shop.
The sausage sizzle fundraiers generated so much volunteer support and would not have been possible without PFA member Sharon Wright - who posed the question and took off and planned, sorted, organised and set us up. Alongside her the PFA treasurer Rosa Ferrari ensured the finances, reporting and banking of funds kept up with the pace as well as setting up rosters and various needed items. The PFA is truly grateful to you both for their tireless efforts.
We could not have done without our PFA members and volunteers who stepped up and assisted at the various events and fundraising initiatives.
The second-hand uniform shop is the main fund-raising opportunity we have at the school and without our long standing volunteers would not be possible. A special thank you to Geri Sumpter (who is also our College Council President) and Ian Sumpter, Lynette and Val. We look forward to continuing to provide this service next year.
Thank you to the Sausage Sizzle volunteers:
Anna Ward | Lisa Clarke |
Fiona Prior | Mel Wilkey |
James Webster | Brooke Bogdan |
Melissa Shipham | Narelle Legg |
Kerri Slater | Teresa Watson |
Abigail Gilroy-Smith | Cindy Hughes |
Craig Chamberlin | Andrea Webster |
Katrina Nikitina | Betty Kotevski |
Sue Whiteside | Joanna Birch |
Lianne Wells | Sharon Wright |
Rachel Corah | Greg Wright |
Craig Watson | Rosa Ferrari |
Gerard Zammit | Bernadette Gooda |
A big thank you to our bakers too. Your contributions were greatly appreciated.
Sadly, the PFA must say goodbye to three members who between them have over 20 years of volunteer service to the PFA holding office between six and nine years each – Emma (former PFA President, Rosa (departing PFA Treasurer and Elizabeth (departing PFA Vice President). A big THANK YOU as you depart the MGSC school community and wish your daughters great joy and life wonders on their next chapters.
We look forward to welcoming new families next year and putting into action some of the exciting plans we have. Look out for announcements in Compass and the first newsletter next year. Information about the PFA can be found online along with our meeting dates.
Have a wonderful break over the holidays and see you all in February 2023!
Bernadette Gooda
for the PFA team