Round the classes

Reception class: Katie
I can’t believe it’s the end of the year already, time has gone so fast. We have been very busy in our classroom consolidating our knowledge of our sounds. We have also been learning how to write procedures and the other day we attempted to write a persuasive text.
In maths we have been learning about how to graph data and this week we started exploring in money. As part of HASS we have been learning about landmarks in Australia. We have been very excited about welcoming next year's Receptions to our school and have been making sure they feel welcome in the yard. Our class also had a visit from a very cheeky elf the other day who has been getting up to mischief in class.
Year 1/2 classes: Sam and Kelly
WOW!! We can't believe we are in the last two weeks of school already. It has certainly been a busy two weeks.
In English we have continued learning our initial, middle and end sounds with Heggerty. We have now finished our information report writing. Sam and Kelly are super impressed seeing how much the children have learnt this term. Sam's class has been looking at how texts connect to them and Kelly's class has been writing a persuasive text about a food they have created - they have been trying to convince Kelly to buy their food 🙂
In maths, we have been revising number. Looking at addition, subtraction and multiplication. With multiplication we have been learning how to use arrays and the term 'groups of' to complete some simple multiplication sums.
In HASS Kelly and Sam's classes have been researching how Christmas is celebrated around the world. We have been discussing the similarities and differences to our own Christmas celebrations.
Year 3/4 class: Stephen and Henry
We enjoyed meeting the new intake of children who will be in Reception next year at our school. We spent some time interacting with them, making Christmas decorations and sharing some picture books. We have continued some revision activities for maths, focusing on the connection between fractions, decimals and percentages. There is lots of excitement in the build up to the school concert coming up next week. We have also wrapped up our music with Alex’s Year 3/4 class. We recorded our own film clips for some of the songs we learnt and these were shared with each other.
Year 3/4 class: Alex
In Week 8, students thoroughly enjoyed their incursion with comic illustrator Georgina Chadderton. During the first half of their workshop students spent time exploring Georgina’s published comics and then designing a character of their own. They practised the technique of drawing light lines and not using an eraser for mistakes, rather redrawing any changes over their original lines. Once they had settled on their finished drawing they could use a fine liner to outline, then erase all of the pencil. Students then drew their character’s face multiple times, demonstrating a range of different facial expressions showing different emotions. They also gave their character a name and listed the character’s interests. The second half of the workshop involved using a planning sheet to plot out the panels in a comic. Students then began on the good copy of their comic and have taken them home to finish.
In mathematics students have been reading analogue clocks, converting between 12 and 24 -hour time and calculating durations of time between stops to solve problems involving transport timetables.
In English students have been actively participating in their reading groups, exploring the literal and inferred meaning of shared texts. They have been thinking about choices the author made in language to describe settings, characters and events in the stories.
In Design and Technology students have been deep in the learning pit, facing difficult problems to solve in their designs. They have been following the design process to repeatedly test and improve their models so that the simple machines can perform all of the actions outlined in the design brief using pneumatics and hydraulics to power them. (See photos below)
Year 5/6 class: Sallie
We have been busy finalising our learning in all our subjects. I have enjoyed the presentations students have given on their chosen famous Indigenous person. I have learnt so many new things!
The End of Year performance is coming together. We are looking forward to lawn bowls on Monday, concert on Tuesday night and graduation on Thursday night.
We, as a class and school community, have had a fabulous year and I would like to thank everyone for their never-ending support! I am not at school on Friday (on my way to the USA) but want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe holiday. Year 5s, I am looking forward to seeing you next year as the leaders of school and Year 6s the first day of high school might be a bit daunting but after that it will be a breeze.
Science: Troy
Students from Reception to Year 4 have been learning about materials and their strengths and ways they change in the environment. Students in Year 3/4 have been doing experiments testing a variety of threads to see which has the greatest strength. Here are some images with students adding water before the threads broke.
PE: Troy
In PE students have started learning how to play touch football. Students in Reception are focussing on tag games and developing spatial awareness in game situations. Students in Years 3-6 are practising skill development and learning the rules and skills of touch to transfer into modified games.
Indonesian : Ibu Susan
In Indonesian the junior primary classes have watched some videos about children living in Indonesia- Ilham in urban Jakarta and a family in rural Sulawesi. It was very interesting to see how their lives were similar and different to ours. The middle primary classes have been learning the days and months of the year in Indonesian and this week we are beginning to look at Christmas in Indonesia.
Gardening : Jo
The year 1/2 students can name the parts of a worm, have added the worm tea and castings to the garden beds and planted up pots with herbs.
Wheeling the wheel barrows is usually a highlight along with watering the plants and ‘worm handling’.