A message from Margie

We are almost at the end of our challenge-seeking term. It's been great to talk to the students about their challenges. Here's Indi talking about her challenge of making a papier mache bird for the Uraidla Show, and how she worked through her setbacks along the way:
When Sallie showed us the video of how to make the birds. I thought that it would be easy but, as I was making the bird it wouldn’t get in its shape. As I was making the shape I wanted to quit because it was too hard. I knew I was in the learning pit, at the very bottom. Then I told myself not to give up so I didn’t until the painting stage. Then first time when I was painting my bird, I didn’t like the look of it so Sallie said that I was able to paint it again. After everyone in the class finished their birds we put them in the show and the birds won best exhibit in the show. Everyone was so happy. From Indi Hampton Year 5
We heard from Phoenix's mum Denise how much their family has benefitted from his cooking challenge:
He's mastered Spaghetti Bolognaise beautifully! He's made it for us quite a bit lately and it's all from scratch with a lot of ingredients involved.
Well done Phoenix, you are welcome to practise here at school any time for staff lunches! 😉
Special awards
Two very special awards were presented last week at our assembly:
Congratulations to Karim Assal for receiving the Heysen Citizenship Award from Josh Teague local state member for Heysen:
Karim has received this award for his excellent contribution to our school sporting events and for his representation of several sports at a district level. At the state football carnival, he was awarded the role of captain for the Hills district team. Although highly competitive, Karim always supports his teammates and wants the best for the whole team and to make sure everyone is included. Karim is also very dedicated to all the community sport that he plays and is often playing above his age level.
Congratulations to Dylan Vince for receiving the Mayo Community Service Award from Rebekha Sharkie Federal Member for Mayo:
This award is being given to Dylan Vince because of the continual volunteer work he does and for the high level of participation in school and community events. Dylan always wants to be involved in any activities; class, school and community based. He also brings high energy levels, good communication skills and valuable problem-solving ideas to these activities.
Uraidla Primary School Band
We had some 'guest conductors' this week at our final band rehearsal for the year. We will be sad to lose our talented musicians in Year 6 - Aidan Hosking and Campbell Smith.
Luckily, we still have our continuers in Years 5 and 6 next year, and we also have a number of Year 4 students ready to begin instrumental lessons and join the band. We'd like to thank Sarah Butler for her great work in teaching lessons and conducting the band this year. I always think it is such a wonderful program and am so grateful to the Department for Education for providing free instrumental lessons to our students. If you would like your Year 4-6 child to have this opportunity next year, let me know or just ask for the forms at the front office!
Timing of holidays for 2023
If you are thinking of any extended holidays next year, it is worth considering the potential impact on the learning program. The expectation is that children will attend school every day of the school year, and I need to report on each student's attendance to the Department for Education. I have been asked, 'Why do so many of your families take their holidays outside of the school holiday period?'. There are often legitimate reasons for taking extra holidays, however it cannot be denied that this has an impact, both academically and socially. Teachers can't be expected to make up extended blocks of work, which means that children sometimes miss important aspects of their learning and may fall behind in some areas. Friendships can shift a bit too when students are gone for long periods.
It may be worth considering whether you can take your holidays during the 12 weeks of school holidays, or if not, discussing with your child's teacher the best timing during term time. It is particularly important that children do not miss the beginning of the year, or the beginning of each school term. School camps and excursions are really important to be part of, too. I do understand that for some families there are limited times available due to work or other considerations, and that there can be great value and rich learning opportunities in extended travel with family! This is just a friendly reminder to give some thought in the early stages of your planning for 2023. Please feel free to give me a ring to discuss at any time.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Governing Council 2023
We had a successful AGM and final Governing Council meeting on Monday, and we have our full allocation of GC members for 2023:
Jacqui Staniford (Chair), Jess De Campo (Deputy Chair), Todd Price (Secretary), Emily Brodie-Tyrrell (Deputy Secretary), Jo Cox (Treasurer), Brad Wilksch, Jodi Braley, Cristina Blefari, Alister Walsh, Sam Bateman, Tom Lodge, Matt Abslom and Laura Hofmeyer.
I'd like to thank these parents for electing to take on this important responsibility for our school.
I'd also like to thank Elin Gubbin and James Sadler who will both be stepping down at the end of the year, and acknowledge their input into the running of the school through Governing Council membership. We have valued your contributions and your wisdom, and you will both be missed!
Thank you, Parents and Friends!
I had the pleasure of thanking our hard-working and enthusiastic Parents and Friends group this week. Thank you to Kate Griffiths, Kate George, Prue Olsen, Amanda Preskett, Anna Price, Belinda Wauchope, Carrie Williamson, Hayley Baird, Lisa Bond, Seb Geers, Kylie Webb, Liv Moore, Jacqui Staniford, Rebecca Daimol (from afar - thanks Bec!) and welcome to new members Dana Jermolajeva and Emma Lochhead.
All are very welcome to join us at our first meeting of the 2023 school year on Tuesday February 7, 7pm here at school.
Staffing news and classes for 2023
We are really pleased that we are able to continue with our current wonderful staff into next year. I can now announce our class teachers for 2023:
Reception - Katie Martin
Year 1- Kelly Charlton (4 days) and Troy Welfare (1 day)
Year 2 - Samantha Irvine (4 days) and Suzie Tume (1 day)
Year 2/3 - Stephen Tsiaprakas (4 days) and Henry Lewis (1 day)
Year 4/5 - Alex Berry
Year 5/6 - Sallie Griffin
Science - Troy Welfare
PE - Henry Lewis
Indonesian - Susan Lewis
The Arts - Suzie Tume
On Wednesday you will receive your child's report in their school take home bag. Please take the time to read through your child's report with them and celebrate their efforts and achievements. For students in years 1 and 4 this year, there will be a note inside the report envelope informing you and your child of their 2023 teacher, and all students will have a chance to visit their new classroom and teacher the following morning.
End of Year Events
Date | Event | Location |
Tuesday December 13, 6pm | End of Year Performance | Staff room |
Wednesday December 14, 9am | Volunteers Morning Tea | Gym galley |
Thursday December 15, 6:30pm | Year 6 Graduation, then sleepover | School Hall |
Friday December 16 1:30pm | End of year assembly; dismissal 2:10pm | School gym |
End of Year Performance
We are all busy getting ready for the End of Year performance. It's going to be brilliant!
The performance starts at 6pm sharp next Tuesday December 13th; students need to be here at 5:45 and report to their teacher at this time to get ready.
The Parents and Friends BBQ orders on Flexi-schools are now closed, but there may be some extra hamburgers and sausages available on the night. You are encouraged to BYO picnic rug, own food if you prefer and drinks to stay after the concert and celebrate the end of year with the school community. The very popular ice cream van will be onsite also on the night.
We will also be holding a dress rehearsal of the End of Year Performance at 11:15 on Tuesday morning for grandparents and other guests, to take some pressure off the numbers attending the evening performance. People who come to watch the dress rehearsal can be guaranteed a seat! 🙂
End of Year Assembly
On Friday next week we will have our final assembly for the year at 1.30. Parents are welcome to attend and to stay afterwards to farewell our graduating students and families. The Parents and Friends will be selling espresso coffee, tea and cake from the Galley. Please remember that school finishes at 2.10.
Next Friday there will be a short newsletter with a few photos and final arrangements for the end of this year and the start of the 2023 school year. I hope you all have a wonderful time at our end of year events next week.
We hope to see you there!