Science News - Melbourne University Incursion

We were incredibly lucky to have the University of Melbourne’s Science at Melbourne Delivery Team join the St Joseph’s community for two days last week.


The university students engaged our Year 7 and 9 students with drones, fire, animal skulls and brain dissection among other things.


They also talked about careers in science and discussed their own journeys through high school.


Some of the specific activities included:


Rubens’ tube – visualising sound waves using fire.

Flame tests – observing the colours different elements produce when heated.

Drones – learning how to code a drone to perform a task.

Skulls – learning how different features of skulls allow them to be identified.

Slinky + cup – making the sound of a Star Wars blaster.


The students were all mesmerised, inspired and engaged. And had an absolute blast in the process!


Look out world….Our next generation of scientists are coming for you!