Sports Report

Year 7-9 House Team Triathlon 

Our Year 7, 8 and 9 students participated in our annual House Team Triathlon on Tuesday as part of our end of year activities week.


The event provided a great opportunity for our students to work together as a team, or as individuals, and to engage in a challenging but fun physical activity.


There were some tightly fought out tussles between individuals and competing House Teams on the day, and all students who participated did so in high spirits.



The competition categories for the day included:

  • Individual Tri
  • Team Tri
  • One lap of the track running or riding
  • House point relays
  • Additional House point activities



Moore House was victorious on the day, taking out 1st place honours on 91 points, just ahead of Delany which placed 2nd on 87 points.

Brigid and Nicholls tied for 3rd place, each on 73 points, followed by Chisholm on 65 points, and Patrick coming in lucky last on 63 points.


Winning Year Level Teams on the day included:

Year 8 Boys (Delany) - Geovani, Darcy and Will 

7 Boys (Patrick) - Eden, Alex and Oscar 

7 Girls (Brigid) - Eleanor, Jenna and Mikayla 


Individual Tri winners were:

Yr 9 - Ky Henson (Delany) 

Yr 8 - Oscar Eade (Moore) 

Yr 8 - Montana Southern (Delany)