
Jane Szokolik

Library Technician

Library Lovers' Day - 14 February

I love our AHS library and I am a big fan of libraries in general.


Did you know that apart from public and academic libraries, there are 'special' libraries? They provide resources and services to people who are part of an industry or organisation and their collections support a specific subject area.  They may be located in places such as courts, hospitals, museums, or art galleries. There are around 2,000 special libraries across Australia and New Zealand.


A special library I would like to visit is the Jerzy Toeplitz Library located in the Australian Film Television and Radio School in New South Wales and the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (not quite the same as a library but full of fascinating history) in Canberra.


Library Lovers' Day is a great way to celebrate how special all types of libraries are so why not enjoy a blind date with a book?

Image courtesy of South Pasadena Public Library, 2018.


Intrigued?  Enjoy the mystery of not knowing the title, genre, or storyline of your book date.  Books will be wrapped with a few enticing details available to help you make your selection. 

  • Step outside your reading comfort zone.
  • Commit to 100 minutes of reading time.  

Maybe it will lead to a lifelong friendship with a genre or author you have not tried before. If not, no awkward break-ups, just return it.