From the Assistant Principal

Junior School

Kristie Satilmis

Term 1

It has been a positive and energising first week of school for students and staff alike.  Thank you to all our parents and guardians for doing such a good job of preparing your young people for a smooth start, and supporting them during what is often a really tiring first couple of weeks.


It has been a pleasure to welcome a large number of new students to the school across all year levels.  These families have moved into the area from different parts of Melbourne, different parts of Australia and from different countries around the world.  It’s been lovely to see the way these newcomers have been so warmly welcomed by students.


Well done on a superb first week to our Class of 2028!  We are really proud of the way our new Year 7 cohort has already embraced the AHS DARE values and settled into their new school routine.  I’ve enjoyed visiting each of the Year 7 classes in action throughout this past week and have noticed their enthusiasm, friendliness and readiness to challenge themselves in their learning.


Likewise, feedback has been very positive about the smooth transition of our Year 8 and 9 classes, with students really stepping up into the challenge and identity of their new year level communities.


We look forward to welcoming parents/guardians onsite on February 16th for the first onsite Meet the Teachers evening since before the pandemic.  As well as a chance to meet your child’s teachers and Level Leaders, members of the Leadership and Principal teams will also be present and available for a chat.  I’ve had a number of parents reach out to express their interest in establishing some social connections with other parents, something that has been quite a challenge in recent years, thanks to Covid restrictions.  The evening will be a perfect opportunity for some informal conversation and mingling.  For some families, it might also be the first chance you’ve had to have a look around the school building!  Please RSVP via the booking link on Compass.



There are many ways parents/guardians can get involved at AHS.  This might be helping with supervision of excursions and sporting events, participation at working bees, guest speaking, or organising social opportunities for parents.


Please let us know what you've got in mind via this form.  We'll be delighted to have you - whether you have lots of time to spare or only a little! We are grateful for any contributions our families can make to our school community!  Thank you to those who have already been in touch.