Welcome back to another exciting year within the Performing Arts Faculty. 


We have had a couple of staffing changes - of particular note, I welcome Ben Browne and Paschal Lee to the Classroom Music teaching team. Ben will be located at the main campus full time, and Paschal will be moving between the two campuses.

Ben Browne
Paschal Lee
Ben Browne
Paschal Lee

I also have great pleasure in welcoming new instrumental teachers Karen Nansen (Woodwind - East Campus), Colleen Wurfel (Lower Brass - East Campus), Georgina Mead (Upper Strings - both Main and East Campuses) and Jill Griffiths (Double Bass - East Campus).

Karen Nansen
Jill Griffiths
Georgina Mead
Karen Nansen
Jill Griffiths
Georgina Mead

Clare Bugeja and Dmitry Serebrianik continue in the role of Instrumental Managers for 2023. (


Auditions have been completed and rehearsals will begin every Tuesday and Thursday afterschool (3:30 - 5:45pm). Students have been notified of the rehearsal schedule. We are looking forward to presenting this show to you in early term 3.


Hire instruments for use by the Years 8 and 9 students have been moved from the Main campus to the East campus. These will be allocated to students over the next few days, and before their ensemble rehearsal or lesson.  


A reminder that all payments for instrument hire and lessons should be made through the Finance Office or on Compass.


If you are wishing to purchase a new instrument for the first time, please contact your Instrumental teacher directly to discuss options BEFORE you purchase. [We are aware that there are many sales going on at the present moment, but wish you to make the best choice for now and long term.]


Instrumental music lessons and ensembles for SENIOR students started the week beginning Monday 30 January. VCE students may have their lessons start a few days before this - so please ensure that you watch the Compass schedules and emails for confirmation.


Instrumental music lessons and ensembles for Year 8s, 9s and 10s will start the week beginning Monday 6 February (unless indicated below). Please watch the Compass schedules and emails for confirmation.


Students who are learning an instrument at the school are required to be part of the core ensemble program, and again being part of the Instrumental Program is dependent on commitment and attendance at ensembles.


These ensembles are an integral part of the music program, where students can apply the musical skills that they have covered in their individual or small group lessons. All senior ensembles will begin rehearsals from the week beginning Monday 6 February.  


Core ensembles days and times


Main campus (Auditorium) 

  • Wind Symphony - Tuesday after school (3:30 - 5pm) 
  • Choir (vocal students 10-12) - Thursday lunchtime
  • Orchestra - Thursday after school (3:30 - 5pm)

East campus (VG.1) (to start week beginning Monday 13 February)

  • East Campus Choir (Vocal students Years 8 - 9) Monday lunchtime
  • Keenan Strings - Monday after school (3:30 - 4.30pm)
  • Ovenden Band - Wednesday after school (3:30 - 4.30pm)

All other ensembles are by invitation and/or audition only, and dependent on ongoing commitment to the core ensemble.


The in-class Year 8 ensembles (strings and bands) will also start from Monday 6 February, and instruments will not be required until then.




In the first few weeks, students in the Bands (on Compass Wednesday timetable 07MEB1 or 07MEB2) will start to have their instruments allocated to them (based on student requests, and aptitude tests undertaken at the end of last year).


We estimate that this process will take a few weeks to complete as there are twelve different instruments that make up the Year 7 Band. Lessons are expected to begin mid-February, with the ensemble starting soon after. Students will be emailed ahead of the first rehearsal to remind them when to bring in their instruments.


Any questions regarding band instrument allocation should be directed to Ms Tracy Videon ( who is overseeing this process.


The Strings class ensemble (on Compass Thursday timetable 07MESSTR1 or 07MESSTR2) have all been notified of their allocated instruments. 


Students who already play their allocated instrument will have time with one of the string teachers during their class to ascertain their level so appropriate grouping can take place. Please ensure your child has their instrument (if they own one) on Thursday this week and is prepared to play something short. Instruments can be placed in the music storeroom (next to the Auditorium) at the start of the day as there is not enough locker space. 


Instrumental lessons will begin next week for all string students. This will show up on their Compass timetable. However, students will NOT require their instrument at school for Year 7 Strings on Thursday 9 February. Normal rehearsals will commence the following week. 


Any questions regarding string instrument allocation should be directed to Mrs Clare Bugeja ( who is overseeing this process.


We are looking forward to performing live to you this year, and dates for performances will be sent to all families in the very near future.


Megan Papworth

Head of Performing Arts