A warm welcome back to the new year from the Science department, particularly for our new Year 7s. The Science faculty are looking forward to providing students with opportunities to engage in purposeful and inspiring science throughout the year. As well as classroom activities, we hope to organise school-based incursions, year-level challenges and excursions to help foster students' love for science. 


As our College continues to grow, we have two new staff members joining our team:  

  • Barry Fleming
  • Stav Kantzas
Barry Fleming
Stav Kantzas
Barry Fleming
Stav Kantzas

I wish them an enjoyable and successful year and look forward to their contributions to the Science program. We also welcome back Philipa Andrieux, Kerryn Scott, Sanjida Mir and Fiona Tingate who return from leave. 

Philipa Andrieux
Kerryn Scott
Sanjida Mir
Fiona Tingate
Philipa Andrieux
Kerryn Scott
Sanjida Mir
Fiona Tingate


Later in the year during Term 3 we will celebrate National Science Week. This year’s theme is Innovation: Powering Future Industries. The theme will incorporate the advancement in technology in all industries, especially using artificial intelligence (AI). This year, we will celebrate the week by holding a 2-day Science Festival on Wednesday 16 August - Thursday 17 August. Further information about this festival will be provided through this newsletter.


A reminder that all resources for our Years 7-10 subjects can be accessed on the faculty’s Google Site. We’ve encouraged all students to regularly access this site to find details of the units of study and keep track of their work. The following link will take you to this site. (N.B: it will require your child’s school login details to access). 


Our VCE courses have their own individual Google Site, which the classroom teacher will communicate to students. As well as this, each class will have a Google Classroom site established to allow teachers to communicate with their class, share lesson resources and create digital assignments. 


Cherie Marks

Science Key Learning Area Manager