Year Three/Four News 

Term Two round up

Well, what a term it has been! It has been a very busy but rewarding term that included Athletics Day, Year Four camp and much more! There are many more exciting learning opportunities ahead for Term Three. We want to thank families for their continued support and are looking forward to more amazing learning next term.


We would like to thank families for their patience in getting students connected to Showbie. Student accounts have now been created for all Year Three students so classes should now be set up. Accounts have also been made for new students. Please see your child's classroom teacher if you have any questions about Showbie.

Seed Shelf

Next term each classroom is creating a 'Seed Shelf'. This is an area designed to inspire student's ideas for writing. Each student is asked to bring to school at the start of Term Three an object/artefact that can be placed on the Seed Shelf. Items such as photos, tickets, medals or any item that holds a memory that may inspire writing may be brought to school. Students will be given the opportunity to talk about their artefact and explain why they chose it. Anything precious will receive special care, however an item on the Seed Shelf will be able to be used by all students in the class. If something is too precious to be sent to school, perhaps a photo could be sent instead. We are so excited to see what students will bring and how it will inspire their writing. Some examples of a Seed Shelf are below.

Year Four Camp

Our Year Four students had an amazing time at camp. Highlights for students included seeing the seals, making pizza and of course the Ga-Ga pit. A huge thank you to all staff who supported the students on camp. The Year Three students are eagerly awaiting their camp in Term Three.