Classroom Stars and Achievers 

Stars of the Week

Thomand S

For showing kindness to others (Rick D3) 

Jack B

For writing a wonderful Information Report about koalas (Hannah D5)

Chelsea M

For your excellent comprehension when reading (Claire M3)

Gus B

For always working so hard. Keep it up, Gus! (Amelia M5)

Andrew B

For always being willing to help others. Well done, Andrew! (Amelia M5)


Outstanding Achievers

Chayse M

For always showing kindness and respect towards others (Mrs Brown B1)

Oliver D

For his commendable efforts to maintain focus and complete his work. It is incredible to see the extent of his accomplishments when he applies himself. Great work! (Brooke B3)

Jax W

For his remarkable commitment to his learning and his determination to tackle every task with enthusiasm. Well done! (Brooke B3)

Nicholas H

For always being an organised Red House Captain (Kyra & Emily P S1)

Ryan W

For working had to complete all set tasks (Mrs Riddoch S2)

Rylan M

For your brilliant enthusiasm during all learning activities (Mr C S3)

Matilda M

For the positive attitude she brings to school each day (Troy S4)



Ethan C M2

For being an amazing listener and participant in P.E. class (Katherine PE)

Tilly W M3

for being an amazing role model in P.E. (Katherine PE)

Caius B S4

For being an excellent assistant in P.E. class for coach Ryan (Katherine PE)

Sylvia C B4

For an excellent badminton serving skills! (Katherine PE)