Nugal-nganjin Garden

means 'Ours';  our garden was named by Aunty Gail of the Wurundjeri Tribe

Working Bee 

A huge thank you goes out to the parent's and children who helped at the working bee on the first Saturday of the holidays. I cannot thank you all enough for your efforts. The weeding and mulching has made an incredible difference.

Grant Winner!!!!

Once again we have been successful in applying for a grant through the Victorian School Garden Program (VSGP). This year we have received a 'Local Grant sponsored by ALL Green Nursery'.


This year, the VSGP broke the record for both the number of schools/kindergartens applying for a Grant and the number of applications entered, receiving 540 grant entries from 270 schools/kindergartens across the state of Victoria.  


We look forward to spending our voucher on plants for our community micro-forest.


Go Fund Me link

We have now set up a Go Fund Me page to garner more funds for the Nugal-nganjin Community Garden. We will be sharing this link widely in an effort to draw in much needed funds to continue to develop this outdoor learning area. Please share this if you can!


Thank you to all those families who have donated and shared this link. 


The garden is continuing to have new additions. If you have plants you grow at home that represent your culture we'd love to add them to the garden. Chat to David or Aasta to arrange this!