Learning in J41

Junior School J41 Dowson is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

In J41, we have been having a lot of fun writing procedure texts.  

We have been learning to identify different types of procedures and their features.  From this, we have been able to experiment with writing our own procedures.  We have written how to put our shoes on, how to plant a seed, how to be a good friend and our favourite was how to make a smoothie.  For inspiration to make our own unique smoothies, we made our very own smoothies in the classroom, which went down a treat.   

We have also been working really hard at our skipping, ready for Jump Rope for Heart.  We have been learning to run in and out of the big rope, skipping backwards, doing the crossover and even skipping on one leg.  We are all very excited to participate in the fun of Jump Rope for Heart. 

Ms Dowson

Year 2 Teacher