Welcome to our 5th edition of YMCA News!


Where did that time go? Two weeks to go and we are on school holidays again! Don’t blink as the week will be over!


The children and young people have been bringing in items of interest to show me or their peers at Yarning Circle time. Check out this student that brought in his crystal collection. He relished with pride and excitement as he spoke about the crystal and its qualities. This started the weeks planning! The program facilitates his interest and likes about crystals. The children learnt about different types of crystals and how they formed their names and the benefits and qualities they produce for some individuals. This was followed with a yoga class about breathing and stretching for all young people to be mindful and grounded. 

The senior leadership program has shown children can grow outside their comfort zone. The children that have been selected for the leadership program have signed the code of conduct and have imbedded their skill set within the program every session. Great Job guys! You are all role models to aspire to.


Grade 6 children were asked would they be comfortable to read to the group? Miss Lisa sat with senior leadership children and presented the program. They reflected and gave a critical reflection on how they felt! This was truly inspirational for all involved. Photos below depict the learning had by all.



Smart quote: Did you know that if a child misses as little as 8 days in a term, by the end of primary school they’ll have missed over a year of school education. 



YMCA Rules - Be Respectful, Be Safe, Be a learner. Please call the service if your children are sick or absent!


Healthy lunch box creations!




Busy making next weeks menu





Yours in education and care, 

Miss Lisa, Miss Genia, Miss Kate, Miss Kirra, Miss Pheobe and Miss Danni