Principals News

Reconcilation Week - 'Be a voice for generations'

Last week, the staff and students celebrated Reconciliation Week by engaging in a range of activities to reflect and learn more about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.  It is important that we continue to educate students as we build towards creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Mark Dreyfus School Visit

Last Friday the Honorable Mark Dreyfus (Federal Member for Issacs and the Attorney General of Australia) attended our assembly to make a special presentation to two of our wonderful Grade 6 students, Lewis H and Thomas R. Last year, Lewis and Thomas, as a part of a persuasive writing unit, wrote letters to Mark to advise him that our school requires upgraded facilities, such as a new gym.  Mark was so impressed with the persuasive writing of both students that he came to our school to meet them in person. Congratulations to both Lewis and Thomas on using the power of writing to make your voices heard. 

Photos Courtesy of Office of Mark Dreyfus MP



Around the Classrooms

Over the past few weeks, Mrs Ward and I have made it a focus and priority to spend more time in our classrooms to share in the amazing teaching and learning that occurs each and every day.  We are blessed to have such a committed and talented teaching staff that engage and support our students in so many ways.  What we have most enjoyed is the enthusiasm of our students as they engage with us about their learning.  We are looking forward to continue to regularly visit classrooms as the year progresses.


Kiss and Go Zone

The Kiss and Go zone is a short term stopping area where drivers are allowed to stop and park the vehicle for a short time - NO LONGER THAN 2 MINUTES - while the student exits or enters the vehicle from the kerbside doors. 


This area is not a parking space and fines and demerit points apply if the driver leaves the vehicle unattended longer than 2 minutes.


Please support our school community by following the signs that are displayed, so everyone can enjoy the benefits of the kiss and go program.

Semester 1 Reports and Teacher, Parent/Caregiver and Student Conferences 

Our teachers have been working hard to compile the 2023 Semester 1 Reports which will be distributed to families via Sentral on Monday 19 June. These reports will provide families with their child/ren's learning progress against the curriculum taught this Semester.  It will also highlight the next important steps for their future learning. 


On Tuesday 20 June CEPSwill be holding a pupil-free day to facilitate Teacher, Parent/Caregiver and Student Conferences. Bookings are currently live on Sentral. Please see the attached document for more information about the conferences and how to book a time. 

Parent's Committee

I would like to acknowledge and thank our amazing Parent's Committee for all of their hard work recently.  We have had the second hand uniform sale, school disco, special lunch day and coming soon will be the parent's trivia night.  We are privileged to have such a committed group of parents driving this work.


Thank you also to our community for your support of these events. They would not be the success they are without the participation of our families.










Mr Robert Ridgway
