Year 3/4 Team

Term 3 in 3/4!

Students in Year 3/4 have made an excellent start to Term 3!  It has been amazing to see our students retaining previously learned skills and knowledge.  This term we will be exploring the countries of Africa and South America in our Inquiry unit of work on Geography.

In Reading, students have demonstrated high expectations to improve their learning.  Here are some examples of how we read to someone by sitting ‘knee to knee’, ‘elbow to elbow’ with the book in the middle.

Students have started developing a deeper awareness about the difference between fragments and sentences and will start researching soon to begin an information report on a country of their choice.



Our unit of work on Fractions in Maths has also revealed just how well our students embrace problem solving strategies to solve open ended problems.  This week we have investigated halves, quarters, thirds, fifths, sixths and eighths of a shape and of a collection.  Here are some of our students using a variety of items from our Maths trolleys to tackle challenging tasks.

Students enjoyed our Athletics Day events including some fun novelty activities such as the sack race relay to end their day. 

We are looking forward to another successful term in 3/4!

Kathy Barley 3/4A, Cassandra Kovac & Di Parkin 3/4B, Holly McConnell 3/4C, 

Danni Chambers and Kianna McCulloch