Dear Families and Friends,
We have enjoyed a great start to Term Three. It has been fantastic to see smiles and learning in all classrooms.
Since returning to school we have been working with b3architects, the team that assisted us create our amazing administration building, to commence work on a new masterplan for school improvement and building maintenance. We been busy consulting all within our community, this has included our parents, students and staff. We look forward to seeing some plans over the next few months.
Grandparents and Special Friends Day Mass
Yesterday as a whole school we celebrated a beautiful Grandparents and Special Friends Day Mass. Our grandparents and special friends help us, care for us and bring much joy to our lives. A big thank you to Miss Webb and our students for a lovely celebration.
100 Days of Prep
Congratulations to our Preps who have been at school for 100 days today! 100 days of leaning, smiling and having fun! It is certainly a day to remember.
Tickets to Matilda Jr
Performances of our Matilda Jr production are on Thursday 31st August at 1.30pm and 6pm. You can purchase tickets from Ms Debbie or Ms Kubiak in the school office each morning or afternoon. All students at St Anthonys are in the performance and will have school as normal on the Thursday 31st and return to school at 5.30pm to perform in the 6pm performance. A reminder that there will be no school on Friday 1st September as all of our performers will have earned a big rest after a late evening.
OneSight Vision Screening
On Thursday we had OneSight visit St Anthony's to provide free vision screening for students. I thank Mrs Lisa for orgnaising this wonderful service for our community.
Erin Nagel
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