
Feast of the Sacred Heart

Friday 16th June

Jesus loves us and his Sacred Heart shows 

us how we should love.


Today we celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart. This Mass reminded us of the love and compassion that Jesus has for everyone, especially the poor and suffering. 


The Foundation - Year 2 children participated beautifully in a Liturgy at school while the Year 3-6 children joined the Year 3-6  children from St Brendan’s school in a Mass led by Fr Jackson. 

We were very proud of the children and how respectful and reverent they were throughout the celebrations. 


Thank you for the many donations we have received for our Winter Appeal. They will be very much appreciated by St. Vincent De Paul who will distribute them to those within our local community who need our help. 

Thank you for giving generously and following Jesus’ example of caring and sharing for others. Also, a big thank you to our Year Five Mini Vinnies team members and Mrs Liddell, thank you for all your hard work organising the Winter Appeal at St Luke’s and spreading the message. 



Sacrament of Confirmation 


Congratulations to the 22 children who made their Sacrament of First Reconciliation over the last two weekends. Fr. Joe, Fr. Peter and Fr. Joseph were impressed by how well the children were prepared. A big congratulations and thank you to parents and carers as well! 


This coming weekend the Sacramental candidates will be presented to St Brendan’s Parish at one of the following Masses as they begin their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation; 


Saturday 17th June 6pm @ St Brendan's Church

Sunday 18th June 8am or 11am  @ St Brendan's Church



Youth Mass 

Saturday 17th 6pm at St Brendan's Church


Come along to this Youth led Mass, with music from the Notre Dame College Youth Band. Children are welcome to be part of the choir on the night. 



Breanna Levesque. 

Religious Education Leader.