
By Science Faculty Head, Ms Donna McKinstry 


This term, Stage 5 Science classes have been studying plate tectonics. Students have been learning about the interactions of different tectonic plates and the creation of earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunami. Year 9 Science 1 created playdough models of stratovolcanoes, using bicarb soda and vinegar to model a volcanic eruption. They then discussed the benefits and limitations of using modelling in Science.


Stage 5 also received their Student Research Project notifications. This is a mandated assessment in NSW requiring students to plan and perform an investigation. Students have received feedback on their proposed investigations and are now in the process of setting up their experiments at home. Topics range from testing the electrical conductivity of sports drinks to the weight-bearing capacity of lolly snakes. We anxiously await the results!


As a part of their unit learning about cells, Year 8 students were asked to create a model of an animal or plant cell. They also needed to compare, using an analogy, a cell to another real life concept e.g. Wee Waa or another town, to help them and their audience understand the cell better. 


Congratulations to those students who applied themselves critically and creatively to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in this task. 



Year 7 and 8 are also currently studying a unit on cells. To bring learning to life, they conducted an experiment that demonstrated the fermentation process, often seen in dough making where yeast is used to produce carbon dioxide through respiration. The yeast comes to life with warm water and then feeds off sugar, producing carbon dioxide which then inflated a balloon at the top of the bottle.