News From Around The School 

Year 7 - 2024 Enrolments Are Now Open

We are now taking enrolments for year 7 2024. Parents and carers can enrol online by using this link or by downloading the enrolment form in a PDF format by using this link Alternatively an application form can be collected from our front office. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you about your child's high school education and the opportunities available at Wee Waa High School.

SRC Assists With Senior Citizen's Luncheon

The long-held tradition of WWHS' Student Representative Councillors assisting with the annual senior citizen's luncheon at the Wee Waa Bowling Club continued this year. Each year students enjoy engaging with our senior citizens while they serve lunch and afterwards as they clear away. Two of our music students also provided entertainment by way of musical performances. This year Hailey and Lizzie Reynolds, accompanied by Mr Vella on guitar sang a number of songs that the audience enjoyed.

Going Crazy For Ronald McDonald House 

Last week staff and students got behind our SRC’s crazy hair and sock day fundraising efforts to support Ronald McDonald House (RMH). At assembly on Tuesday morning, Ms Mallinson shared her first-hand experience of the amazing support she received from RMH when her youngest child, Rocco was born nine weeks premature. While Rocco received expert care at John Hunter Hospital, then Tamworth Base Hospital, Ms Mallinson stayed for one month in RMH accommodation at both locations. She said to be able to stay close to her child so she could be with him as much as possible meant the world. Accommodation with RMH is free of charge which greatly assists families at a difficult time in their lives. The volunteers who give their time at the various Ronald McDonald Houses to support rural and remote families away from home with a loved one in hospital is another wonderful aspect of this great charitable organisation.


Well done to our SRC and to everyone who got into the spirit of crazy hair and sock day. Funds were raised through the sale of cupcakes and a lunch time sausage sizzle.

Year 8 Japanese Language Class - 日本語

Japanese in Term 2 has focused on speaking skills and learning about sports unique to Japan. Students have been learning basic self-introduction sentences including; how old they are, their telephone number etc. These skills have added to the required literacy and numeracy focus in all key learning areas. Students have also been learning about the unique martial arts that originated in Japan that are now performed and watched all over the world. These sports include; Judo – 柔道 - Kendo ―剣道 - Kyudo ―弓道 - Sumo -相撲

Noonuccal's Poems of Loss & Discovery 

This term, Year 12 English Standard are studying Module B: A Close Study of Literature. Haylie Reynolds explains; 'We are learning to develop an informed understanding of a substantial literary text through exploring and analysing certain ideas and concepts of the poems and establishing their distinctive qualities'. 


‘We are studying Oodgeroo Noonuccal’s poems of the past and present, her culture and spirituality, and her importance as a leader and public speaker for the Aboriginal population’.


‘My favourite thing I have noticed within Oodgeroo’s writings is her connection to loss and discovery. It is a re-occurring theme throughout the collection of poetry that presents a personal connection with the audience as it informs them that history is never lost and can always be exposed no matter how hard people try to hide it’.


Use this link to read more of Haylie's report. 

Homework Centre Proves Popular

Our Tuesday afternoon homework centre continues to attract a good number of students keen to receive assistance with assignments, revision, catching up on a lesson missed or simply going over concepts taught in class. 


Our homework centre is every Tuesday 3pm to 4.30pm in the school library.

Chess Club Kicks Off Again 

Our chess club kicked off again recently with a visit and tutorial session by the regional champion, Bruce Danson. For beginners, Bruce taught students the fundamentals of chess, while for the more experienced, he focused on strategy and advanced techniques. 



Plain English Public Speaking Competition

Caitlyn Coutts-Smith was to be in Sydney recently to participate in the state final of the Plain English Public Speaking Competition. Ms Conomos was travelling with her but on reaching Moree, their flight was cancelled. Not to be deterred, they both hopped in the car and drove back to school where Caitlyn dialled in and delivered her speech on a TEAMS call. Ms Conomos was full of praise for Caitlyn's calmness and quality of delivery. Although Caitlyn's speech didn't win the state final, her determination to still take part and her 'where there's a will, there's a way' attitude was certainly worthy of an award. Well done Caitlyn!!!

WWHS Changes Payment Portal Service Provider 

Our school has recently changed the service provider we use for accepting online payments. What this means for you is that you will need to sign up to the new provider, School Bytes before you will be able to make any further online payments.


Please use this link to create your School Bytes account  


This link will take you to a user guide 

For anyone not wanting to use an online payment system, our front office staff are still able to take cash payments over the counter. An EFTPOS facility will be available once we have settled into our new school.


If you are having difficulty linking your child/children to the app, please contact our front office team and they can provide you with a linking code.