Principal's Message
Principal’s Message
As I write my report, our staff and students are celebrating NAIDOC Week 2023. We were delighted to host a lunch on Tuesday for local elders to acknowledge this year’s NAIDOC theme, ’For Our Elders’. Other activities have included; our weekly sports afternoon encompassing a range of Indigenous games, Clinton Lamb joined us to share cultural stories and run a dance workshop with students, we've had a boomerang design workshop as well as an emu egg etching workshop. Aunty Stella Lamb's talk at both the school assembly and the elders' lunch had everyone captivated. The week will culminate tomorrow, Friday with our traditional all-of-school BBQ and our NAIDOC Week cake.
While Year 12 are preparing for their trial exams our Careers Adviser, Ms Blewitt and Year 12 Adviser, Mr Malcolm continue to work closely with each Year 12 student to discuss their career and study paths after high school. As is the case every year, we have a number of students wishing to gain entry to university or TAFE, some that will go straight into apprenticeships and some who will take a gap year to save before heading away for further study. Whatever further study, training or career direction our students wish to take, we are committed to helping each of them achieve their individual goals.
We have been working closely with The Exchange, Narrabri Industrial Network (NIN), Narrabri Shire Council, Narrabri High School and local industry to discuss and develop a central method of businesses registering their interest in engaging apprentices, trainees, SBATs (School Based Apprentices and Trainees) or students on work experience. Students, schools and job seekers will be able to access the register to see which companies offer such opportunities and how they go about applying. The register is now hosted on the Narrabri Shire Council website. This initiative is just one of the shared responses identified to help bridge the local skills shortage and to further build engagement between our high schools and local industry. The Council, NIN and The Exchange are to be commended for the work they have been doing in this space and I encourage companies to go online and register your interest at
This term has seen a significant amount of extra-curricular opportunities made available to students. From university familiarisation trips, sport, public speaking, agriculture, exploration of career pathways, leadership development and wellbeing to Aboriginal culture and heritage opportunities, our staff are committed to enabling our students to take part in as many of these life shaping opportunities as possible, and I commend them for that.
Lastly, residents will no doubt have seen the enormous progress being made on our new school. It sits proudly on Mitchell Street and will without doubt equip the community to deliver excellence in education for decades to come. We are moving closer to having a clear ‘move-in’ date. A full project update can be accessed here and later in this newsletter.
Yours sincerely
Jacqueline Neil
Relieving Principal