Year 7 Artworks
These FABULOUS Year 7 artworks are based on the style of Friedensreich Hundertwasser who was often said to be opposed to a "straight line".
Friedensreich uses lines frequently throughout his art works, but they are rarely straight.
From learning about Hundertwasser, the students of Year 7 then designed their own artworks featuring 3 key design elements: the lollipop trees, horizonal lines and concave lines.
They used their own imagination to then add more ideas: onion shaped rooftops, the sun, buildings, butterflies, and even the Statue of Liberty. The visual impact of all these artworks is stunning! The dynamic colour combinations were tested then rendered carefully by the students to achieve the most effective result.
Throughout the project the students gradually developed their small motor skills and control over the medium.
They have all loved the topic and noted how much the beautiful, coloured pens enhanced their enjoyment.
Valda Rubio