Tuesday 20 June
Year 9 Health and Wellbeing Day
Friday 23 June
End of Term 2 - 2.30 pm FINISH
Monday 10 July
Start of Term 3OF TERM 3
Tuesday 11 July
Year 9 & 10 Thriving in Community
Monday 24 July
Year 10 Holocaust Museum Excursion
Friday 4 August
Year 10 Holocaust Museum Excursion
Tuesday 8 August
EIS Netball Vic Schools Championships
Friday 11 August
Athletics Carnival
Friday 25 August
Year 10 Formal (6.30 pm to 10.30 pm)
Thursday 31 August
Yarra Division Athletics
Semester 2
Subject Change Requests
Year 9 and 10 requests to change a subject CLOSE, Tuesday 20 June at 3 pm.
A GOOGLE link is available on the student Compass Newsfeed and students must use their school email account.
Students MUST receive consent from their parents/carers to apply for a subject change.
Subject changes will be considered by the Middle School Coordination team however, not all changes will be possible due to course requirements in the year level and student numbers in classes.
Please note, we are NOT able to make Home Group change requests.
Year 9 Health & Wellbeing Day
Tuesday 20 June
Year 9 students will be involved in the Year 9 Health & Wellbeing Day to build students' resilience, mindfulness and empathy.
Students will be given the opportunity to engage in a range of workshops tailored towards building students' trust, confidence, self-esteem, health and connectedness to the school community.
Payment ($17) and Consent is due on Compass, Monday 19 June.
Year 10 Formal
Friday 25 August
The 2023 Year 10 Formal will be held at Tatra Receptions, Mount Dandenong (6.30 pm to 10.30 pm).
Cost: $90
Payment Due: Friday 14 July
TryBooking: Compass Parent Portal Newsfeed
The cost of $90, includes hire of Tatra, a 3-course meal, soft drinks, DJ, decorations and prizes.
We look forward to celebrating this special event with our Year 10 students.
Year 9 Tasmania Camp
Final Payment $750
The Final payment for students attending the Year 9 Camp is Friday 14 July on Compass.
The 5-day camp (Monday 13 November to Friday 17 November) is a fantastic opportunity for students to learn about Australia's convict past, as well as develop social relationships.
Year 10 Central Australia Camp
3rd Instalment $900
A reminder, the 3rd instalment is due be paid on Compass by Thursday 10 August.
We ask that all Parents/Carers please check their Compass Parent Portal and approve any unexplained absences for 2023.
If it is expected that your child will be away for more than two days (medical illness, holiday, medical appointments), please communicate this with the Middle School Office.
Parent/Carer Compass passwords can be reset by contacting Lauren Kelso in the Middle School Office.
Middle School Coordinators