News from our Classrooms

Foundation News

Finally, as we begin Week 7 on Tuesday, Foundation LW students return to school. As your teacher, I am very excited that we will be back in our classroom together. I look forward to hearing from you about your experiences with remote learning - the good and the not so good.


On Tuesday, it is Day 61 as we continue to count towards 100 Days of School.


Thank you to the Foundation LW parents for the fantastic job you have done working with your children at home. I know at times it has been stressful for you but you are all to be congratulated for doing a wonderful job catering for your children’s needs. Many of you at the same time were juggling working from home in your own employment. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


A highlight each day for me was meeting at 11am for our Google classroom meet. Last week we played number bingo online, shared something yellow with each other, brought a favourite book to the meet and on Friday we wore our footy/soccer colours.

I have included some photos of our meets from last week.


I have also included a photo of who is in each particular Sport Team to assist with dismissal from school each day. I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!


Year 1/2 News

We have finished the last week of our remote and flexible learning journey, and what a journey it has been! We are so proud of the Year 1/2 students for all of their hard work during this time.


This week, our virtual meetings continued to be full of happy and smiling students who were eager to connect with their teachers and their classmates. It has been unbelievably awesome to see the 1/2 students continue to be confident, resilient and persistent young people during the remote learning experience.  


The responses this week included some more writing of procedural texts. The students used their imagination to create a “Disgusting Sandwich”! They certainly got very creative when choosing the ingredients and methods for these sandwiches.


The learning this week also included some further investigation of our visitor, the cow! The students posed lots of questions and recorded lots of wonderings. We cannot wait to unpack all the student ideas together!


The 1/2 teachers are excited to be seeing all our students face-to-face upon our return to school on Tuesday. We have missed you all, and we are looking forward to investigating our learning together! 

Year 3/4 News

We are super excited, as we are sure you are also, that school return is coming! For Year 3 & 4, that will be on the Tuesday 9th June, after the Queen’s Birthday public holiday. After such a long break, there will be a mix of emotions including anxiety, joy, grief, relief and a whole lot of HAPPINESS! 


We continue to be amazed at the work students have been doing and the technical skill level that they are achieving.  The students have adapted extremely well to learning remotely over the last 7 weeks and when they upload their own work and email their teachers videos of their learning, we can proudly acknowledge that they’ve really got this! 

We will discuss new possibilities in Education with students, post remote learning, to discover what they would like to see, hear and do more of in the classroom.


“I would like to do more work on the computer and to continue to share our work this way” - Ava P.

“I would like to continue doing themed Fridays because it’s really fun and enjoyable for everyone” - Sanjay

“We can continue to use the Google Classroom but for our homework tasks” - Gisele.

“Keeping the teaching videos to explain more about the task so I can look back at them every time I forget” - Kiara

“I would like to continue knowing what we are doing in class for the whole week” - Hunter.

“I would also like to continue to know our weekly schedule and to do more self-directed work” - Xavier.

“More typing of work on Google Docs - it saves paper” - Ethan

“I would like to keep doing Google Meetings” - Oliver


Keep up the wonderful learning that is happening Year 3/4s!! 

We are very proud of all of you!

Year 5/6 News

Benefits of remote learning:

Nicholas: An advantage of being at home is that I can have warm food instead of having cold food. I can also have more interesting food than sandwiches and potato chips.

Isaac N: The advantage of working from home is that you can have multiple breaks and you can also eat while you are working. We also get less work to do and I finish earlier than normal. This allows me to go straight to having fun.

Sofia G: Remote learning has been beneficial because it has helped me balance work and relaxing, it has taught me to be focused and motivated and if I slack off I won't have a teacher to tell me off. So I have learned to be self-managing.

Lucas S:I think an advantage is working on the goal of being an e-learner.  I would much prefer to work at school so I can see my friends, play basketball and I can ask questions

Dante S: You can go at your own place.


Home learning thoughts:

- being able to do things flexibly and being around your home.

- I feel that remote learning has given some students the opportunity to learn in a different way, and to find out some things that they didn't know they could do. 

- I have started to enjoy remote learning after I got used to this new way of working. I have adapted to my surroundings and gotten used to the distractions around me. 

- I miss my friends and the face to face interactions with other students. I feel that when we go back to school, some students might take a while to get back into their routine on a school day. 

- I feel that working remotely has helped me improve my E-Learning skills and something that has been good about remote learning is that I feel more free but there are still rules except I can do a subject that I love to do for a longer period of time.

- more one on one help.

- I have enjoyed home schooling, as it allows me to have a more relaxed morning and also because we can try new things. Also it can train you to get used to doing homework when we have to do homework at other times.

- I feel that I have no distractions when I am trying to do my work.

that helps me learn better.

- I feel sad that we are away from school because I miss all  of my friends and teachers.I think home learning is a great way for kids to be more  independent and become more of a self manager.

-I like remote learning because it has been an opportunity to try out something different, it has given us the chance to work on our not so used skill of being able to adapt. In my opinion it is one of the most important skills you can learn.