Kitchen and Garden News


Whilst restrictions remains in place, our garden continues to provide plenty of ingredients for Ms Crossman’s cooking planning and demonstrations. The chickens are enjoying limited time roaming the yard but are missing the students’ noisy play and lunch scraps.

Chookside Chickens
Chookside Chickens

They have been moulting and not laying eggs because of the colder weather and shorter daylight hours. A moult is when a chicken sheds its old feathers and replaces them with new feathers. This should last about 6 weeks so our girls should start laying eggs when our students return to school. Can you guess what this weird looking fruit harvested from Brookside is? 

Lemon anyone ?
Lemon anyone ?

At home, Year 4 students are exploring seasonal produce and using basic pantry ingredients to make delicious muffins and treats to share with the family. The pictures and written tasks uploaded shows the love of cooking which continues to flourish for many students in spite of the challenges faced by many families during the pandemic.

Fresh from the Veggie Garden
Fresh from the Veggie Garden

Click on the link below for the Seasonal Fruit Muffin Recipe.



In SAKG, last week we learnt about seasonal produce and where we can purchase it. Seasonal produce is fruits and vegetables that can be purchased at different times of the year. Like cherries, you can only buy them in November to January. The benefits of cooking with seasonal produce is that the fruits and vegetables are more nutritious and tasty to eat. They don't cost as much because the produce has not travelled as far so it will leave less of a carbon footprint on our environment. We can support our local farmers by purchasing their fresh produce at local farmers markets. The best part of learning about seasonal produce was cooking our Savoury Muffins!! They were delicious!!

Charlotte W 4E


Year 6 S.A.K.G

During Remote Learning, Year 6 students have been learning about food from different cultures. Rice is a staple ingredient used in many recipes around the world. Read on to discover what students learnt about different types of rice and the delicious pumpkin risotto below:




Types of rice: The three types of rice are Long, Medium and Short.

 What are the shapes and properties of these rice? 

The shape of long grain rice is more of a long and cylindrical type of rice.


The difference between long grained rice and medium grained rice is that the medium grained rice is shorter and has a wider kernel.

The short grained rice is a short and fat shape and when it is cooked sticks together. Short grained rice is used to make sushi and rice pudding.

 By Eden G 6C