Year 3-6 Sector

Year 3 News

Dear parents/guardians,

Can you believe we have already made it to the middle of the term? Oh, how quickly time flies by! It is fantastic to see how much awesome work is happening during remote learning so far. 



In Reading, Year 3 students have begun looking at predicting and analysing using various texts. Students will further develop their comprehension skills by unpacking the reasoning behind the author’s choices in texts whilst making an educated guess of what will happen before, during and after in a story. 

By Ethan, 3A



In writing, Year 3 students will be planning their narrative stories. They will bring together what they know about narrative features, elements and mechanics to create their very own story. Students will edit their work and use the VCOP members to identify the writing elements and mechanics to improve their writing. 

By Bhargav 3E



In Numeracy, students have been developing different strategies to solve multiplication and division problems. Students are beginning to identify the key words in multiplication and division worded problems as well as develop their fluency in skip counting. 

By Ayisha, 3A



So far in PBL, students have developed their knowledge around suitability and the impact that humans have on the environment. Our Year 3 students are beginning their PBL projects that focuses on the driving question, ‘What should we do to create a sustainable environment to protect our endangered species?’


Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge

The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge is now open. A new application is being used this year that offers a range of exciting features including:

  • access to a library catalogue (including book images and blurbs)
  • a modern user-friendly interface
  • rewarding  students with badges as challenge milestones are achieved
  • the option for students to mark books as a favourite, give them a star rating or complete a book review

The Challenge is open to all Victorian children from birth to Year 10 in recognition of the importance of reading for literacy development. It is not a competition; but a personal challenge for children to read a set number of books by 4 September 2020.


Children from Prep to Year 2 are encouraged to read or ‘experience’ 30 books with their parents and teachers. Parents will be given details from their child’s classroom teacher to log in soon.


Children from Year 3 to Year 9 are challenged to read 15 books. Students can log in here using their existing edupass details and begin entering the books they have read during the remote learning period. 


All children who meet the Challenge will receive a certificate of achievement signed by the Victorian Premier and former Premiers.


To read the Premier’s letter to parents, view the booklists and for more information about the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge, visit:


Keep an eye out for challenges and popular reads from our students here at Brookside.


Happy Reading

Miss Breadmore


The Year 3 Team

Year 4 News

The grade four teachers would like to congratulate all students and families for displaying perseverance, resilience and enthusiasm during this period of remote learning. Everyone has put their best foot forward and taken on this challenge in an impressive manner. It is not long now until all grade four students will be welcomed back into classrooms on Tuesday 9th June. The countdown is on!



We continued to work on strategies such as making connections, analysing, comparing and contrasting to promote comprehension. We are now starting to learn about the roles required to participate in a book club. The first role we have learnt is called the Discussion Director. This role requires the team member to ask a variety of ‘right there’, ‘think and search’ and ‘on your own’ questions.



In writing, we continued along our narrative journey. Students worked through the writing process to complete a narrative of choice!

Andrew created an awesome 

character when planning his narrative. His

character has lightning, thunder powers.


Tyler wrote an amazing narrative titled The Magic Shoes! This is the 1st page.



We learnt about the language used in probability. Many students thought that it was unlikely or impossible that their classroom teacher would be able to run a marathon! Students used M&M’s to predict the probability of an outcome based on the total possible outcomes. A very tasty lesson for all grade 4 students. The new unit that we have just started explores shape.

Japji is exploring a rectangle and identifying the 

many features that can be found on this shape!



We are continuing to explore the concept of sustainability. We have observed our surroundings by conducting a scavenger hunt and learning about the detrimental impact plastic pollution has on our environment and animals.


Specialist Update

Jonah and Jahvia enjoyed baking some muffins together for their SAKG lesson. 

A reminder to meet with your class every Tuesday at 12.30pm via Zoom whilst learning from home. We have enjoyed staying connected with you all as part of the regular conferences and class zoom calls. 


Until next time, stay safe.

The Year 4 Team

Year 5 News

Remote learning is where the students and the teacher is not physically in a class environment. The learning is given through technology and video calls. 


In reading, the grade 5’s have been learning in about different book club roles. These are clarifier, cool connector, inferential detective, discussion director, summariser and author’s style. We have been reading The Magician’s Elephant and summarising using the SWBST strategy (Somebody, wanted, but, so then). My favourite book club role is question because we made pretty anchor charts! 

In writing we have been learning about narratives and even wrote our own stories! What I enjoyed most was how we got to make our own narrative stories which are fiction. It gets you to build our imagination and have fun creating stories to tell.

In maths we have been learning about data, and we learnt how to collect data and to present data. What I enjoyed most was presenting my data into graphs. 

This term in PBL we are researching a country from either Europe or Asia. My favourite part is that we learn about a country and it helps develop knowledge of a new country. 



Thank you for reading, goodbye, stay safe! 

The Year 5 Team

Year 6 News

We understand that learning from home may be difficult for some, but the year 6's have been enjoying it quite a lot. There's no more waking up super early and Mum yelling "5 more minutes left before we go!"  


We have been communicating with each other frequently on Microsoft Teams and working hard to complete our teacher's orders. Our reading and comprehension skills are being worked on and are having fun learning about different countries in Humanities. We learned how to cook delicious recipes in Food technology and how to decode a message in Binary, in Digital Technology.  


We hope to see everyone at school and start learning together in person. But for now, we hope you are safe and healthy and staying positive. Fighting!            


The Year 6 Team