Prep-2 Sector

Prep News

In Prep we have been learning lots of new things. In Reading we have learnt all about the letters O, C and D and what sounds they make. Students have been drawing pictures of words that start with those sounds and having a go at writing those words.

Students have also been using the App ‘Epic’. Preps have loved using this app. In Prep D they have read 400 books during our time at home. Congratulations and keep up the great job

In writing we have been writing recounts about stories. We have read a ‘Pig the Pug’ story and ‘Disgusting Mr McGrossface’. Students have enjoyed drawing pictures of the story and writing some of the things that have happened. 

The prep Team

Year 2 Team

Hello Students, Parents and Caregivers of Year 2,


Welcome to your second Newsletter during your time learning from home. We are all so proud of how hard you have worked this term, and how well you have adapted to all of the changes that have taken place during the COVID-19 crisis. We know it has been difficult for many families to try and juggle working, supporting your child’s learning and running a household so we thank you for doing your very best during these challenging times.

There is light at the end of the tunnel though! We are excited to be returning to school next week and we can’t wait to see all of our Year 2 students on Tuesday the 26th of May.



The past few weeks in Reading have seen the introduction of some new InitiaLit lessons including Comprehension and Fluency, Spelling and Storybook lessons. Although these lessons have been modified for home learning, we have seen some real effort put into Learning task submissions from sorting words with different diagraphs to answering questions based on an online text. We look forward to continuing our InitiaLit lessons face to face, back in the classroom.

Reading Comprehension: Fact or Opinion from Maison
Reading Comprehension: Fact or Opinion from Maison


The students have been learning about functional writing such as letters, emails and postcards. Some of the students actually posted their letters to their school friends and were pleased to get a letter back. The grade 2’s also enjoyed creating their own postcards. Over the last two weeks the writing lessons have been about functional writing which involves recipes and instructions on how to do or make something.  

Writing Procedure from Reece
Writing Procedure from Reece


Students have worked hard to learn about shapes, time and fractions during the past few weeks. Some of these concepts are difficult to teach remotely, but the year 2 teachers worked very hard to create videos that support student learning through this tricky time. We will be focusing on Addition and Subtraction for the remainder of the term. 

Maths: Fractions/Equal Parts From Oscar
Maths: Fractions/Equal Parts From Oscar


Play based learning:

Play based learning begun last week with a focus on History. We hope students have enjoyed learning about the development of Caroline Springs as a community; and how services such as police, ambulance and retail have been embedded over time.


We look forward to seeing you all soon. Stay safe everyone.


The Year 2 Team