What's been happening?

Kinder Playground Opening 

By Kirsty Meese - Team Kinder


On Monday it rained and rained and rained, but that didn't stop us from celebrating the official opening of our upgraded Kinder Playground. 


The children were very excited about meeting Ben the builder who built the playground for us, and spent the morning drawing pictures for him and his team as a thank you. 


When Ben and Mr Andy Callow came to visit there was a collective hush, and a rush to the circle mat, as we got ready to ask some questions, give Ben our thank you cards, pictures and a celebratory cake and most importantly wait for Ben and Mr Callow to cut the ribbon so that we could play outside!


The Kinder children are absolutely loving the upgraded Kinder playground complete with climbing ropes, scrambling rocks, new plants, a path to run and roll things down and of course a slide! Here are some of the things the kinder children have been saying about the playground


“Thank you for the ropes and the slides that you built”


“Thank you for the slide it's so much fun, we love going really fast and the ropes are really cool, and thank you for the runway that we can run down”


“Thank you for the rock deck”


“The slide is so fun, I like it, I like it, I like it!”


Once the ribbon was cut, it was all action stations as we ran, jumped and laughed in the rain, especially as both Mr Callow and Ben had turns down the very wet slide!



2020 Language Perfect World Championship

By Daniel Dema - French Teacher


"The 2020 Language Perfect World Championship has come to an end. Our school has had an outstanding performance, finishing second in Victoria for French out of 45 schools and third in Australia out of 230 schools. Throughout this week, our students have answered almost 250,000 questions, earning a total of 43 awards (11 credit, 15 bronze, 8 silver, 5 gold, 2 emerald and 2 elite). 


These awards are based on the number of questions answered by each student, with the elite award being the highest distinction in the competition. 


This year, not one, but two of our students managed to get the highest award - Joel H (Yr 8) who has set a new record in terms of points won for our school, with 12,669 points, and Eden M (Yr 9), who came second with 10,005 points. Amy G (Yr 8) completes the podium with 7,567 points. 


Also with outstanding performances, we would like to mention from Year 7 - Tae M, Annalise M, Mabel H and Jorja W and from Year 8 - Imogen D and James H.  All of the French students of our school who took part in this competition deserve recognition for their efforts and for obtaining these amazing results.