Specialist Program

Food Technology- Jane Stacey
During remote and flexible learning, I received some fantastic photos of food that students had made and was able to chat on Webex with students about all the cooking and eating they had done (mostly eating they told me). Popular recipes were the pancakes and Anzac day biscuits. For the last 5 weeks of this term, we have done some fun cooking – homemade dips and vegetable sticks, toasties, falafel wraps, pumpkin scones and homemade hamburgers.
Science - Chloe Venezia
This term Secondary 7/8B and 7/8E have taken part in remote learning and face to face learning. While the program may have been delivered differently this term, students in both classes have had the opportunity to partake in some amazing science experiments. Students have learnt about Chemistry and Physics through a variety of experiments, such as; Volcano Lava, Rain clouds, Paper Airplanes, Friction, Amazing Milk, Catapults, Hoop Gliders, Bridge Building and Mentos Geyser just to name a few. They particularly enjoyed the Volcano Lava experiment upon return to face to face learning.
Construction - Isobel Baynes
Since being back on the Grimshaw campus, students participating in Year 7/8 Construction have worked in small groups to produce some really creative building and design solutions. With only recycled A4 paper and packing tape, teams worked together to construct successful bridges to a specific design brief. As a whole class, connector kits were used cooperatively to make a tower so tall it had to be taken outside to erect!
Students have participated in an urban planning Lego challenge and created whole cities with specific infrastructure and environmental concerns. Students have also investigated art movements like Cubism and Constructivism using up-cycled balsa wood to craft Modernist 3D wooden wall art.
Outdoor Education- Donna Thomas
During Term Two students in Outdoor Education spent the first six weeks completing a variety of activities at home. These activities included participating in a scavenger hunt, a superhero workout and making a treasure map.
Once onsite learning resumed students were able to participate in a variety of sporting activities both inside the gym and outside on the oval, on the basketball courts and on the new Gaga court.
Music- Justin Hall
Students in Secondary 7/8 have done quick revisions of instruments and learnt a song of their choosing in music. They have all done very well given that it is such a short term for them.
P.E- Hayley Northridge
Once onsite learning resumed the P.E. program worked hard each week on basic skills and moved into circuits and minor games where the students could use their skills they had learnt. The focus for the term was cricket, basketball and soccer.
This term the secondary 7/8 students worked hard on their individual fitness tests. Towards the end of term they focused on their team work skills and sportsmanship during some cricket and basketball drills.
Digital Technology- Jess Mitchell
This term in Digital Technology, 7/8B and 7/8E focused on creating different stop motion movies. First, they created a cartoon animation using the Animation App. Then, they moulded plasticine in different ways to create simple Claymation movies against a coloured background. Lastly, they created a whiteboard animation where they made their drawings come to life. For each movie students used iMovie to edit, adding title slides, music and sound effects. Every student put in a brilliant effort! Please watch the videos below.