Secondary 7/8

7/8 A
Most of Term 2, we were stuck at home but that did not stop students in 7/8 A learning. We used a variety of websites to learn such as Get Epic, Wuska, Mathletics and Studyladder, and also completed practical tasks including cooking, construction, physical education, yoga and meditation. We wrote information reports and procedures for Writing and continued our studies of the Victorian gold rush and the Eureka Stockade. We had fun making dioramas of a gold mining town to show our understanding.
We got together a couple of times a week via WebEx so we could see our classmates and enjoyed sharing our magic tricks and experiments. Even with so much remote learning going on, we still had time for an online class party to celebrate returning to school.
The students in 7/8 B adapted well to learning from home with many joining in class Webex meetings and creating some excellent work while away from school. To help us settle back into the remainder of Term 2 we have had a greater focus on wellbeing. We recently had a successful circle time lesson on turning negative thoughts into positive ones to help us build our resilience.
In Term 2 our class met and overcame the significant challenge of remote and flexible learning. While this was an unsettling and difficult period, all students showed a great amount of resilience in being able to engage with digital learning platforms and interact with staff and other class members through video conferencing.
Since returning from remote learning our class has continued to place a strong emphasis on building resilience and developing a greater awareness of our own and others’ feelings. The class was particularly engaged during Reconciliation Week where we learnt more about the Stolen Generations and The Apology delivered by Kevin Rudd. We have developed a class Acknowledgement of Country and discovered that ‘Bundoora’ is a Wurundjeri (Woi Wurrung) word meaning, ‘the plain where the kangaroos live.’
In English we have been focussing on making predictions and inferences about the texts we read. The class has particularly enjoyed reading ‘The World’s Worst Teachers’ by David Walliams, and were able to make strong personal connections to the text (they found the story where two teachers fell in love particularly ‘puketastic’). The class has also worked hard on writing and coming up with rich language to describe characters.
Term 2 has certainly been an interesting one for everyone. Brit and I would like to thank all parents, carers, friends and relatives of our students for supporting them to be ‘The Best They Can Be’ throughout the Remote Learning period. We’d also like to give a big shout out to the amazing students of 78D who rose to the challenge and showed such amazing resilience while unable to learn at school. Upon returning to school, we have been busy completing reengagement activities while assessing where each student is at, in preparation for Term 3.
We asked our SRC leader Jhai to write a few sentences about our current focus on Shape in Maths.
Here is what he had to say:
“In 78D we have been learning about 2D and 3D Shapes. We have been looking at the properties of shapes and creating our own 3D shapes. We had fun making the shapes out of paper to help us. We played bingo and as a class put puzzles together for different 3D shapes such as a cube, cylinder and cone.”
Stay well everyone. We can’t wait for a full, uninterrupted Term 3 to begin.
7/8E have had an interesting term 2, just like everyone else. Remote and flexible learning was enjoyed by most of us as we were able to do our learning at times we chose and gave us a chance to do other stuff during the day. Some thought it was boring because they missed seeing their friends and teachers but we did enjoy our weekly WebEx meetings, especially ‘Funny Hat Friday’. We earned a heap of certificates by doing our tasks set on; Mathletics, Epic and Studyladder.
Since we have been back at school we have done Claymation and animation at Digital Tech., literacy and maths assessments, an awesome lesson on ‘School Wide Positive Behaviour’ and a coke and mentos Science experiment. We are really excited by our next integrated unit topic where we will do a heap of Science experiments. We also are hoping to go on our term 2 planned excursions to Captain Cooks Cottage and the Old Melbourne Gaol later in the year. We also welcomed our new ES trainee, Beth and we are enjoying working with her. Stay safe, sanitised, social distanced but above all have fun and relax.
It is rather amazing that we only have one week left, and what a journey it has been. The students certainly did complete some excellent work while learning from home, and we all became very good at using web ex. We have settled back into the routine of school, and we are all looking forward to a positive and full term 3. The students are working hard, both in the classroom, and outside particularly for our Friday afternoon cricket matches run by the students in year 7-8 F
Term 2 has been very different for the students in 7/8G and 7/8H. After learning from home and communicating via WebEx, it was fantastic when we were all back together again. We have welcomed Yvette (teacher) and Sarah (education support trainee) into 7/8H and have loved getting to know them.
Our Experience Days have been onsite since we have been back and we have investigated the different ways we can keep safe on a building site, around the school and at home. We have also looked at personal safety and had a great time bandaging up our toys from home.