Team Leader's Message

Term 2
It has certainly been an interesting term and definitely one we will not forget. We commenced Term 2 with the remote and flexible learning platform. This new way of learning provided a unique experience for all with several challenges but also so many successes along the way. Students demonstrated new skills by adapting to various educational digital platforms while also showing persistence and resilience. They continued to work to ‘be the best they can be’ even during this challenging time and worked hard to uphold the school behaviour expectations to Be a Learner, Be Safe, Be Responsible and Be Respectful, earning them a special lunch upon their return to school.
With school returning mid-way through the term, students again showed their commitment and ability to adapt to change both socially and academically. It has often been acknowledged how difficult things have been during this pandemic for the adults, yet not necessarily recognise just how challenging it has been for our young people.
I would like to congratulate our students for their positive approach and their openness to the new normal we find ourselves in both at school and in the broader community.
Karlie Gooding
Team Leader