Year 10s write for change

The pen is mightier...

In our Year 10 English course called Art of Essay Writing (soon to be renamed 'Essay Writing for Change'), students develop their critical and creative thinking skills and learn to use the written word to enact change in the world around them. Students investigate types of essays, analyse pieces of writing in varied forms, then construct their own pieces of writing in response to literary texts and current issues. Most recently, students wrote expository essays and these essays are an example of their work.  We present here a small sample of some of their outstanding pieces.

Jack Talbot

Art of Essay Writing teacher


Homelessness, by Annie McKenzie

Homelessness is a huge problem in Australia and all around the world. There has long been a stigma surrounding homelessness, a misunderstanding about the causes and circumstances that lead to someone being homeless. These misunderstandings also cause many to lack awareness about just how difficult it is to break the cycle of homelessness once someone finds themselves stuck within it. The causes of homelessness are more complicated than you may think.

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Inequality in Australia, by Zoe Foggiato

Inequality has been an issue for centuries. People have been treated differently merely because of the way they are. Inequality has had a major impact in Australia, ordinary people deal with inequality in their everyday lives. It has affected everyone somehow which has changed their way of living and who they are. Although we have come so far as a society, changing our views and ways to treat everyone equally, there are still things we need to be aware of in our everyday lives.

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Youth Mental Health, by Alicia Chant

One in six 10-19-year olds have suffered from a mental illness, worldwide. Youth mental health concerns have become an increasingly imperative issue with research indicating that educating students should be a number one priority. While everyday our understanding of mental health issues is expanding, this is only highlighting the importance of addressing this vital matter in schools.

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