
Learning Enrichment

STEM Centre Australia are running a School Girls in STEM School Holiday Workshop during the October holidays. The event allows for learning in authentic and collaborative problem solving situations where solutions are related by drawing upon disciplinary knowledge of Science, Technologies and Mathematics.


Sessions run for 3 half days in the first week of the holidays and open to girls aged 11-16. More information and enrolment information can be found at


Cat Noack

Enrichment Leader

Important Year 12 Information

Final Day of Formal Lessons

Friday 26 October 2018

Schedule for the Day

7.00am-8.00am: Year 12 Breakfast in the mall.

8.45am-10.30am: Village Activities

11.00am-12.30pm: Year 12 Final Day Assembly (all parents are welcome to join the College community for this Final Assembly)

Dress Requirements: Correct PE or summer uniform. The uniform is not to be signed or decorated in any way on this day.

College Expectations: Students are not to be on the College grounds prior to 6.00am.

The aim of this day is to celebrate the conclusion of the formal school program for Year 12 students.  It is vital that up until this date the work program for all senior school students proceeds in an orderly and formal way to maximise educational opportunities.


Examinations - Monday 5 November to Tuesday 20  November 2018

A copy of the examination timetable will be sent home to Year 12 families and is attached.  Exams will be held on the UniSA Campus with the exception of the English Literary Studies Examination which will be held on the College Campus in EC1.

College Expectations: Any visit to the school during both “Swot Vac” and the examinations requires students to sign in and out at Student Services.


Year 12 Valedictory Service Rehearsal - Thursday 22 November

Students will need to be at school by 11.30am


Valedictory Service – Thursday 22 November 7.00pm-10.30pm.  Students to arrive by 6.15pm.

Further information will be sent home via Year 12 students and emailed to families. 


Daniel Wooldridge

Year 12 Year Level Leader

SATAC Applications

Year 12's intending to apply to University for study in 2019 will need to ensure they have completed the SATAC application process and paid the $40 fee prior to the close of business Friday 28 September to avoid a late application fee. Any student wishing to study education will need to complete a statement of intent and purpose as part of the process. In Week 8 all students undertook a counselling session with Mrs Fitridge or Mr Wooldridge regarding their future options so should be fully aware of how to complete this process.  Applications to TAFE are also completed on the SATAC website.  Applications for competitive courses should be completed prior to Friday 14 December.

Summer Uniform

Just a reminder – day one of Term 4, Monday 15 October is the time to be wearing the College summer uniform.  Here are just a few reminders about our expectations.  Please check your A-Z Guidelines for Students and Parents for more detailed requirements. A reminder that the uniform shop is currently closed and will reopen on Monday 22 October (Week 2, Term 4)


Middle Years BOYS’ SUMMER

Year 7-9 inclusive

Shirt: Short sleeved navy blue and white striped shirt, embroidered with College name and logo. Shirt may be worn out.           

Shorts: Long leg navy blue shorts.

Socks: White crew Endeavour College socks.

Belt: Black belt with a simple gold or silver buckle.

Shoes: Black lace up school shoes (leather/leather look) with black laces - slip-on or canvas shoes or leather volleys/converse are not to be worn.

College Hat: Navy blue with College name and logo


Senior Years BOYS SUMMER

Year 10-12 inclusive

Shirt:  Navy blue and white striped shirt, embroidered with College name and logo.   The short sleeved shirt is designed to be worn out (not tucked in) with shorts, the long-sleeved shirt must be tucked in and only worn with the grey trousers.

Shorts: Long leg navy blue shorts (Optional for senior students)

Trousers: Grey trousers

Socks: Plain grey. (when wearing trousers)  White crew Endeavour College socks. (when wearing shorts)

Belt: Black belt with a simple gold or silver buckle.

Shoes: Black lace up school shoes (leather/leather look) with black laces - slip-on or canvas shoes or leather volleys/converse are not to be worn.

College Hat: Navy blue with College name and logo



Dress: Summer dress Length:  to be worn below the knee by no longer than 10cms.  Not to be worn above the knee.

Socks: White crew Endeavour College socks.

Shoes: Black lace up school shoes (leather/leather look) with black laces - slip-on or canvas shoes or leather volleys/converse are not to be worn. Heels: The back of the heel may not be more than 2.5 cm high from the ground to the leather.

College Hat: Navy blue with College name and logo.



Shorts: Navy sports shorts with College logo.

Shirt: White sports polo shirt with College logo.

Socks: White crew Endeavour socks

Tracksuit: Navy track pants with College logo.

Rugby Top: College rugby top must be worn with the PE shirt underneath. 

College Hat: Navy blue with College name and logo.

Shoes/ laces: Predominantly white runners or cross country trainers with white laces.  No canvas, slip on or street shoes, are acceptable.  


Louisa Mulligan

Director of Middle Years


Sharon Ward

Director of Senior Years

Office Holiday Hours

College Reception will be open during the holidays between 9.00am and 12noon each weekday.  It will be closed on Monday 1 October (Public Holiday)


The Uniform Shop will be closed until Monday 22 October (Term 4, Week 2)