Care and Concern
National Education Initiative from beyondblue
In November 2018, beyondblue will launch a new National Education Initiative to unify and streamline a national approach to child and youth mental health across education services. The Australian Government has funded the National Education Initiative which will be delivered around the country by beyondblue, with partners headspace and Early Childhood Australia.
The exciting new approach will provide a seamless model from birth to 18 years to support educators, child care centres and schools across all education sectors to access evidence-based professional learning, tools and resources to foster positive mental health in children and young people and to respond to wellbeing concerns when they do arise.
In Term 3, Endeavour College staff engaged in training with headspace in Schools, to continue to support our whole school approach to wellbeing and be responsive to mental health concerns. We look forward to the further opportunities the National Education Initiative will bring, to foster positive mental health and wellbeing in our College community.
Marni Harding
College Counsellor