From the Management Team

Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom for the future. Proverbs 19:20


Albert Einstein was a very wise person when he said, “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” Although this is initially quite disturbing to read, upon reflection it fits perfectly into how education in the 21st Century is developing. There is an increasing focus on soft skills, officially known in the Australian Curriculum as General Capabilities, which underpin everything that happens in and through all school activities. Whilst students might learn a string of facts and essential details for an upcoming test or assignment, it will be their ability to use them wisely and apply them to solve unseen problems that will eventually determine their level of success.


Wisdom is often associated with experience. A person that becomes involved in a variety of activities and encounters a multitude of challenges will become more adaptable, and able to apply a range of skills and knowledge to new situations.


Endeavour College offers a vast array of opportunities for students to develop their capabilities. The formal curriculum within classrooms and extra-curricular activities work together to give a complementary foundation for students to gain insight and wisdom. Last weekend the Pedal Prix teams gained many new understandings about themselves, working together as a team and how it feels to push through the boundaries of tiredness. Thank you to all the parents, staff and students that supported our teams and enabled them to participate in this wonderful event and broaden their outlook on life.


During the holidays our inaugural Service Tour to Indonesia will take place. Seven Year 10 students and four staff members will travel to North Sumatra, assisting with English classes in Lutheran Schools, visiting local attractions and attending the Lutheran church. Another major part of the tour is to deliver a motorbike to an orphanage. The Mission Endeavour group, with support from the College community, has raised money for the motorbike over the past 18 months. Both the fundraising and preparations for this tour have already greatly enriched students’ experiences and there is still much more to be gained from the time spent away.

The Pedal Prix and the Indonesian Tour are only two of the many extra-curricular activities or events that students can take part in. By becoming a part of something new, students grow and develop their capabilities, gaining wisdom for the future.


Sally Sandford-Morgan

Acting Director of Learning


I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him Ephesians 1:17