a word from our leaders

Thank you

On behalf of School Council I wanted to share a massive thanks to you all for your ongoing efforts to ensure the School has run as ‘normal’ as possible in response to COVID-19. Term 1 has been a massive societal change. Life is really challenging at the moment. We know these circumstances are difficult for many. We have all faced some extraordinary circumstances in the last month, and the future months will be unique for us.


I wanted to offer a personal thanks to the following:

  • To our amazing leadership team led by David Wilksch - thanks for your regular, open communication and clear direction through these difficult times. We are so blessed to have such passionate and enthusiastic leaders. 
  • To our teachers - you are all sensational, and we value your efforts leading and inspiring our children daily, at times of uncertainty and change.
  • To our support staff - thanks for all you contribute to make Good Shepherd the amazing community it is.
  • To our students - thanks for being so understanding and your willingness to be creative in our future learning.
  • To our parents/carers- thanks for your support and willingness to act on the regular updates and your trust as we navigate these times.

I want to send all of our community a virtual collective thank you for all you are doing. Our leaders and staff have been going above and beyond to prepare for online learning. As a community please support each other and reach out if you need. Collectively we will get through this challenge.  As my daughter says, ‘We’ve got this’.


You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Please take care of each other, keep safe, appreciate this extra time families will have together, and God be with you and your families.



Matt Schmidt, Council Chair

A time of transition

Over recent weeks, student attendance at school has hovered around 50%.  This number has been considerably higher than many schools. Thank you for your trust and support. 


My thanks to our educational staff who have worked so hard to maintain the classroom learning environment while also undertaking extensive planning for the move to learning online at home from Term 2. 


I think too, of staff in administration roles, particularly Sharon Tarca, who has done an outstanding job managing and maintaining student attendance data while also fielding a large volume of questions and queries.


Many thanks also, to our community of parents and carers who  have adapted and supported us through this time of transition.


Next week student numbers will drop substantially as families  are required to observe the Government directive of pupil free days  leading into the school holidays. 


I appreciate that the school holiday period with be a challenging time for families as you adapt to a the immediate future - a time of reduced freedom and movement outside of the home.  My prayer is that God's spirit will fill your homes with love and grace and sustain you through the both the joys and challenges.


David Wilksch  Principal

Helping our children as learners. What can we do in the home to support our children?

7. Learners reflect and receive regular, timely and targeted feedback in order to understand, monitor and adjust learning goals for rigorous learning and to meet high standards.


The parentwill know and be able to do:

  • Support the process of learning; trusting that the journey is more important than the end result.
  • Work in collaboration with their child and the teacher to set and support student learning goals.
  • Participate in learning conversations and listen to and provide feedback to promote new learning and growth.

Learning online...but we are not remote.

As we embark in a brave new venture together, we appreciate the impact on families and children may at times cause anxiety and stress. We may not be operating under a 'norm' during Term 2, but we are always here supporting and problem solving with you. 

While we have shared information today in the latest COVID-19 update via email regarding the Learning Grid which forms the basis of a weekly set of planned learning tasks for your child, the first few weeks may find us tweaking things as we all settle into new routines. As always, we look forward to your support.

While the planning has been intense and we are all learning together, there is a also a sense of anticipation as we excitedly plan in innovative ways - that's who we are. I have never been more acutely aware of our Vision "Active and connected, growing for LIFE" and our Values of: Love, Optimism and Creativity at this time being lived and breathed.

Blessings for a break from academic learning, and we look forward to our contact and communication throughout Term 2.


Karen Schoff

Director Learning Innovation