Sports & Awards

Intermediate Girls and Boys Volleyball

We had a few Volleyball games in recent weeks, and by the looks on their faces, they had a lot of fun!  Congratulations to the  Intermediate Volleyball boys, who were placed first! 


Alisa Gimgina has be accepted in to the PacRim Championships Australian team ( .  After the PacRim she will travel to Azerbaijan to compete further. Congratulations and all the very best Alisa! 

Australian Invitational Informatics Olympiad.

Quang Ong in Year 12 received a bronze medal in the Australian Invitational Informatics Olympiad.

The Australian Invitational Informatics Olympiad (AIIO) is a programming competition for Australian and New Zealand students and is held each year in February. Around 40 students are invited to participate each year. 

(A bronze means Quang was roughly in the top 16 students out of the 40 specifically invited to compete.)

Congratulations! What an incredible result. We are all very proud.