The Arrowsmith Program


Head of the Arrowsmith Program


We welcome Millie Cripps, Year 8 and Cooper Metzke, Year 7 to the Arrowsmith Program and family. We are delighted to have these students and their families join us as they embark upon their Arrowsmith and learning journey.


Last Term, at a School Open Day, Emily Hall delivered a wonderful speech about her time in the Arrowsmith program. Below is an excerpt from Emily’s speech:


People say amazing things about the Arrowsmith Program and you are most likely not going to believe them until you experience it first hand.

But take my word, this is truly a life changing program. It will be hard and it will take time but I assure you that it will be worth it in the end.


Before I started this fantastic program, I was hopeless at Maths. I could never wrap my head around all the different solutions and the random letters next to numbers. It was all so confusing. It looked like gibberish to me but now I understand all this and more. I must say it’s the most exciting feeling I have ever experienced in my 14 years of living on this Earth! It makes you feel like you can do anything. All the years that I have been told I wasn’t good enough and the feeling of never getting anything correct really puts a dint in your confidence.


After being in this program, I feel like I have really blossomed into the confident young woman that I am meant to be. I feel like nothing can stop me. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me.