Classroom News

Room 20 Room 13 Room 14
In H.A.S.S. rooms 13, 14 and 20 learnt about the world and it's connection to us. We visited different continents and discovered their cultures. We made passports, flew on a plane, attended customs and visited three countries before returning home to Australia.
Have a look to see where we visited and what we did during our stay....
Room 30
Room 30 has an exciting term ahead. We are immersing ourselves in the study of Ancient Egypt with students exploring their own area of interest. Physical forces are being put to the test in Science. Students are discovering their talents as authors and are identifying what fields they are experts in. We are reflecting on the wonderful community in which we live in Geography. Room 30 is embracing the concept of becoming truly independent learners, readying themselves for the exciting transition to Secondary school in the near future.
ICT in Room 12
Students have been developing their ICT skills with their buddies. They have been creating mind maps about themselves and their buddies using a program called Kidspiration.
Room 26
In Room 26 we have been learning about direct forces as part of our science unit this term. Students were asked to make a catapult and measure distances of their birds. By doing so, students learn to adjust the force of the push applied to the catapult, which determines the speed as well as the distance that the ‘bird’ travels.
Our Holiday Recounts
Room 22
Room 22 started the term with a recount about our school holidays. We included at least 3 events that happened during the holidays. We used interesting words and sentences to keep our writing enjoyable to read. We’ve had a great start to Term 3!
Room 3
This term we will be focusing on the topic of ‘On the move’. Our class have been playing lots of different movement games to help observe and explore how our bodies move. During these lessons we have noticed that our bodies do many different involuntary movements such as breathing, blinking, swallowing, coughing and sneezing. Next week will be taking our investigations outside to the playground and finding out what our body parts do when we play on the playground. The students have really enjoyed working together and are keen to explore and discuss their findings. Well done room 3!
Room 32
In week 2 Room 32 went on a suburb walk as part of our Geography learning 'Places and Liveability'.