News From the Principal

Dear Families,
Welcome back to Term 3. Once again, the children have settled quickly into their routines and it has been a great start to the term.
We are looking forward to another exciting 10 weeks.
On behalf of the school community, I would like to extend our best wishes to Chelsea Bernardi who is expecting her first baby in December this year. Hopefully she can work up until the last day of the year!!!!!
Staffing 2019
We have 4 permanent positions that have been advertised to commence in 2019. The panels for these positions are currently meeting and the process should be completed in the coming weeks.
We are looking at projected numbers of students for next year and should have an accurate number later in the term. This will determine staffing, class numbers and classrooms for 2019.
Upcoming Events
A couple of reminders!!!
Next Wednesday evening at 7pm we have the “Think U Know” Cyber safety parent presentation.
This is highly recommended for all parents.
Our Book Fair commences next Thursday in the STEM room and continues for 1 week. This is a great opportunity to purchase some excellent books, whilst supporting the school.
To celebrate Book Week, we will hold our annual Parade on Tuesday 21st August at 9am in yard A.
Footy Colours Day is on Friday 24th August – wear your favourite team’s colours for a gold coin donation.
Kidz Biz (Growth & Development) Family night is on Wednesday 22nd August.
Second-hand Uniform Sale
Just to let you know that we will be having a uniform sale in Week 4, on Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th August.
It will take place in front of the canteen before school 8:30 - 9:00 am and after school 2:45 - 3:15 pm
Donations would be greatly appreciated (please drop at front office).
Proceeds go back into the school via a project chosen by the Governing Council.
Pupil Free Day
A reminder that next Friday 10th August is a Pupil Free Day. All staff will be engaged in Learning Design with our Partnership schools.Please note that our OSHC service will be open on the Pupil Free Day. Please let OSHC staff know at your earliest convenience if you are intending on utilising the service on the day.
STEM Opening
Just to give advanced notice that our new STEM building will be officially opened on Thursday 13th September at 1:30pm by the Honourable Dr Susan Close (Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Member for Port Adelaide). All families are invited to attend formal proceedings and coffee & snacks following the ceremony. More information will follow in the coming weeks.
National Schools Tree Planting Day
Last Friday was the Schools Tree Planting Day and we were very fortunate to have the support of Port Adelaide Enfield Council and Regency Park Rotary. About 100 students from Year 2 and our Environmental Officers were involved in planting over 500 trees and shrubs at Almond Tree Flat. The area was prepared by the Council and the shrubs also provided by them. Rotary provided support to the children with the planting, as well as a BBQ and drink for all the adults and children. It was a fantastic day that has culminated in a beautiful area that the students will be able to watch grow and flourish over many years to come.
Special thanks must go to the teachers, children, parents, Port Adelaide Enfield Council (in particular Peter Gehling & his workers) and Regency Park Rotary (particularly Jack Kelso & his team of helpers). Over the next few months, our Environmental Officers will care for the shrubs by ensuring they are regularly watered until they are fully established.