Primary News

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Primary Book Week
The Primary Book Week Character Dress Up Day saw students dressed up as their favourite characters. There were lots of super hero’s and princesses, Harry Potter, Darth Vader, Aslan from Narnia, Wally plus many more creative costumes. Primary staff, Mrs Horn and Principal Mr Mulcahy dressed as items from 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar" book and put on a wonderful performance at this morning’s assembly.
Primary Art Report
Prep – The Prep students used their baby chickens in the classroom as inspiration to create chicken sculptures. Skills in drawing, colouring, cutting and gluing were developed to produce these little chicks.
1/2 – Grade 1 and 2 students have learnt the art of paper weaving. Their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills were put to the test to carefully weave the paper in and out of the warp.
Grade 3 – Students have been learning about the art elements; texture and form. Looking carefully at Australian birds and describing their body shape, colour and texture. They then created a wool sculpture of their chosen bird by wrapping and gluing yarn around cardboard.
Grade 4 – Students selected an animal to draw and fill the inside with zentangle – dots, lines and shapes creating structured patterns.
Grade 4/5 – Students have been studying mosaic artwork and creating patterns and mosaics of their own.
Grade 5 – Students are using oil pastels to create an outer space artwork piece. They are learning how to create implied form, movement and depth in their artwork.
Grade 5/6 – Students have been patiently designing and creating a soft pillow. Skills in stitching, tying knots, threading needles and stuffing have been developed.
Grade 6 - Students have looked at artwork containing Australian landmarks. Then they chose one of their own to recreate with a lead pencil. They have been learning how to sketch lightly, use a ruler, shade, smudge, cross hatch, erase etc.
Ms MacAleer
Science Fair Report
Primary students participated in Science Week activities which culminated in a fantastic Science Fair. Experiments of all shapes and sizes were conducted with results blowing the minds of students from grades Prep to 6.
Primary S.T.E.M
This month in STEM students have been putting their coding skills into practice by programming robots. Prep to Grade 2 have been driving Bee Bot around the mat. They have had to work out which way the Bee Bot needed to move and turn to successfully navigate from one location to another. Students in Grades 3M and 4S have been using Pro Bot to draw a variety of shapes, which is not as easy as it first sounds. Students have applied their knowledge of shapes and transferred that into algorithms.
Students in 4/5N, 5B, 5/6Z and 6E have been introduced to Edison. Edison is a robot that can scan barcodes to perform tasks as well as coding the robot using computers. Students have enjoyed making Edison follow a line, bounce inside the line and even sumo wrestle another Edison.
Mrs Braybon
Grade 5 & 6 Cricket Clinics
Grade 5 and 6 students participated in the first of 3 clinics run by Cricket Victoria for Health and PE with a Cricket Focus.
This clinic is aimed to introduce students to Cricket and is a fun way to improve the skills. Students learnt the 'over arm' bowl and had a lot of fun practising this new skill.
PrepL & Prep/1A Report
Prep L & Prep/1A has had an exciting and busy few weeks!
We loved dressing up for Book Week as our favourite characters and we even had a visit from the Avengers!!
We have also been very lucky to go on two excursions. Our first excursion was to Casey Safety Village, we learnt how to ride bikes and to cross the road safely. It was a lot of fun and we learnt a lot. We also went to the Melbourne Sea Life Aquarium where we saw a fantastic 4D movie, lots of fish and some scary sharks.
Ms Levy
Prep & Grade 1 Casey Safety Village Excursion
1/2L Report
Gould League Excursion.
Student Report:
First we arrived at the Gould League and waited for the teacher. After waiting for a few minutes, we went into a room to learn about insects because in our classroom, we are learning about mealworms and it can help us to better understand other insects.
Next we did some acting about the very sad compost bin.
Soon after, we learnt about Life-cycles to learn about animals’ and plants’ life.
After, we went into The Shrinking Machine.
Then we tried to dig for worms.
The last thing we did was learn about recycling.
My favourite part of the day was when we acted because I was the butterfly with wings and I like butterflies. I imagined that I was flying.
3M & 4S Report
What a crazy and busy couple of weeks we have had in the grade 3/4 unit. The students have been involved in many new exciting and dynamic Science lessons and excursions. Students became involved in the ‘Kids Teach Kids Conference’ where they were involved in discussing scientific topics through group activities. We had a visit from EcoLink where they came and discussed the life cycle of a frog, lizard and stick insect.
For Book Week we saw the students come dressed in their favourite book character. Cooper came in as Mr Fox, Eliza came as Anne of Green Gables, Rawah was dressed as ‘Thing 2’ from Dr Seuss, two lions from ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and of course lots of many different superheros. The teachers made a great effort in dressing as different fruits from the well-known story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar,’ Mrs McPhie was the delicious pear and Ms Di Petta was a juicy apple.
This week we also celebrated Multiculturalism and had our annual multicultural assembly. We found out that Carwatha College P-12 currently has 60 different nationalities attending the school. It was so great to see so many students dressed in their cultural costumes and amazing to watch so many different talented performers. A special mention to Eliza and Keira Chew for doing a fantastic job singing a Malaysian song for us.
We wish you all a fantastic and restful holiday and look forward to seeing you all for what will be another crazy, exciting and fun filled Term 4.
Sonia McPhie & Jess Di Petta
4/5N Report
It has been another very busy month in 4/5N! After lots of preparation in the garden, the council came out and we got to plant a whole new lot of new plants and shrubs. We have been doing lots of fun activities in Science as we have been learning about matter and solids, liquids and gases. Students from Monash University have also been coming out and we have learnt all about the human body by making a hand out of a paper plate, straws and string.
We learnt all about the planets and meteoroids and asteroids by making different planets with plasticine and foil. Multicultural Day was a big hit. We all ate food from different countries for lunch, dressed in our national costumes and enjoyed the whole school Multicultural assembly. Angie and TeAta loved the Chinese dragons, “They surprised by coming thundering towards us while we sat in the gym. It was really fun when the whole school got up to do a Bollywood dance.”
Ms Naylor
5B Report
Term three has been full of exciting events, academic progress and lots of fun. Students in 5B outdid themselves on Science day, teaching us all new things from amazing women who have changed the world to how magnets can be used in inventions. We were very impressed by their efforts to complete such interesting and creative Science projects.
Book Week was also a lot of fun. A big congratulations to those students who dressed up and made our costume parade a great success. We all had fun reading ‘Boy’ written by Phil Cummings, and making a mural with dragons. Grade 5’s have also been lucky to participate in workshops run by the Victorian Cricket Association. They learnt new skills had heaps of fun and were lucky to have the sun come out and shine to make the workshops even more enjoyable.
Multicultural Assembly was a definite highlight for term 3. Congratulations to all of the students and teachers who performed at the assembly you were amazing, and especially to Kiera and Eliza Chew from the primary school, you were fabulous girls. It was a delight to see students in classroom wearing clothes to represent their cultures.
Ms Bishop
5/6Z Report
We have been very lucky to have students from Monash University visit our school and run Science sessions with us! The three sessions so far have been based on:
- Chemistry: we learned about Non-Newtonian Liquids using Ooblek
- Senses: we learned about the eye and how it works. There is a blind spot in our eye that can make things disappear!
- Geology: Grace and Aaron taught us about how planets are formed from Chondrules (clumps of space dust). We also saw pieces of actual meteorite.
In 5/6 Sport, we have participated in a Cricket Clinic. Students learnt about bowling, catching, batting and fielding through fun games and activities.
As part of our Integrated Studies this term, students have been researching a European country and will be presenting their findings to the class in the last week of term.
Ms Zealazo.
6E Report
The past few weeks have been very busy in grade 6. Students have been learning about different forms of poetry such as Haiku, Cinquain, Diamante, Limericks and Rhyming couplets. At the completion of the unit on poetry they were asked to write a poetry anthology. This meant that each student created a book of their own poems. In Reading, students have been learning about making connections to the texts, using evidence from the text to make predictions about what might happen next and they are finishing up the term by learning how to put all of the information together to develop a deeper understanding of the text. This is known as synthesising.
In Mathematics, students have been learning about Addition and Subtraction strategies for working with whole numbers, decimals, fractions, positive and negative numbers and some have been beginning to work with algebra. They have also been learning about working with two dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. The term will finish with us learning about Probability concepts and we are also beginning to learn about Multiplication and Division concepts. For those who do not know them, now is a good time for students to be practising their times tables.
In Integrated Studies, students have been focussing on Geography. This unit of work has enabled us to learn more about Australia. We have also learned about Canada and students were tasked with creating a poster about either Australia or Canada. Our focus has now moved on to Europe and students are working independently to research and present information about a country they randomly selected. They will be presenting this work to students from 5/6Z in an “expo” in the last week of term.
During 5/6 sport, 6E students have been taking part in a Cricket Clinic. They have been learning skills like bowling, batting, catching/fielding and wicket keeping. The final session involved short matches where students had the opportunity to practise the skills they had learned.
We have also been fortunate to have visitors from Monash University Science Department visiting and they have been running Science workshops each Monday. The Monash students have been teaching us about a variety of Scientific areas including: how planets are created, how the eye works, the properties of Oobleck, and how the muscular/skeletal system works.
We have started to talk about plans for the Grade 6 graduation which will be upon us before we know it. We have also invited students to share their ideas for a grade 6 graduation excursion. In the coming term we will begin our STOMP rehearsals in preparation for the school concert. I am sure that as it is the final primary concert for these students that they will be trying hard to make it their best performance ever.
As the holidays are approaching, I wish students and their families a safe and restful break.