Student Wellbeing

From The Wellbeing Team
English 101 – Leadership and Mentoring Program:
The program has come to a fruitful and successful ending after six weeks. Mentors and mentees were able to learn about each other’s culture and backgrounds through various conversational topics given to them each week.
Our Year 10 leaders have also demonstrated their leadership skills throughout the program by taking the initiative to include each mentee in conversations while utilising effective question probing skills. The international students were also able to make new friends from outside their cultural group and explained that they felt more included after the program. Well done to our Year 10 leaders and the international students for participating in this program.
LGBTI/Inclusive Youth Ambassador Program:
The LGBTI/Inclusive Youth Ambassador Program has been running for 4 weeks. Students are now able to identify the types of discrimination LGBTI students may face and identify ways to create a more welcoming and inclusive school environment. Students who participated are now well-equipped with knowledge on gender, belonging/identity and sexuality.
This program provides our students with a positive attitude towards the LGBTI community and the students are excited about participating in the upcoming Building Bridges excursion.
Specialised Workforce Bullying Prevention Program:
Bully Zero, a non-profit organisation partnering with WorkSafe Victoria delivered a workplace bullying prevention program for senior VCAL students. The program was designed to prepare students for entering the workforce. Some of the topics included: the impact of bullying on workers and employers, cyber bullying, relevant State Legislation, the roles of Worksafe and the Fair Work Commission, and strategies to respond and manage bullying.
Girls Wellbeing Programs:
Year 9 and 10 female students participated in the Girls Wellbeing Program from Family Planning Victoria. The program aimed to develop their understanding of respectful relationships and consent. Students were able to learn about factors which make for healthy and respectful relationships and the laws surrounding young people and sex. This workshop was delivered to support the health/PE curriculum.
Boys Wellbeing Programs:
Year 9 male students participated in the Boys Wellbeing Program facilitated by the Student Wellbeing Team. This workshop focused on teaching the students how to identify the nature of gender based violence and develop a shared understanding of the concepts of violence and power. Year 10 male students participated in a workshop by Concern Australia that explored the influences that affect a young man’s identity (e.g. media, family, peers) and encouraged students to understand that being a man is about making a positive difference to others.
- Holiday Activities at Greater Dandenong Youth and Family Services
The September Holidays Activities are open for 12 – 25 year olds who live, work, study or have a significant connection to the City of Greater Dandenong. The Super Spring Holiday Activities consist of a wide variety of activities including trips to Melbourne Zoo, ArtVo, Clip and Climb, Mini Golf and many more. Bookings can be done through Greater Dandenong Council’s Customer Services or through Youth and Family Services reception at 39 Clow St, Dandenong. Please contact Caitlin Hallett - Student Wellbeing Coordinator for more information if needed.
- Student Wellbeing Appointments
Studying for VCE and preparing for SACs and exams can sometimes be stressful. Students are welcome to make an appointment to meet with the Student Wellbeing Coordinator to discuss coping strategies and study skills. Appointments can be made by sending an email to Additional resources and help is available on the Headspace website:
Ms Hallett