Calrossy Primary
Message from the Head of Primary - Miss Claire Dalziel
Over the last two weeks it has been a pleasure to journey alongside students and staff at camp. Both the Year 4 Camp at Lake Keepit and the Year 5 Camp at Bathurst have presented unique opportunities for our children to step outside their comfort zone and challenge themselves. I have witnessed our students being brave. I am proud of them. It’s hard to be away from our parents. It’s hard to go up high on the giant swing. It’s hard trying something new and it’s hard packing away your own sleeping bag! Each time the students were challenged they rose to the occasion, helped each other and showed courage. I am proud of our students and confident to say that they have made memories that last a lifetime. Camps are made possible by the dedicated staff, who help to create these lasting memories. Many thanks to Mr Laurence Tockuss and Mrs Beth Dalitz for their incredible enthusiasm this week. Check out all of the action on the photo gallery on The Hub.
WCC Working Bee
Don’t forget the WCC Working Bee this weekend. 8am – 1pm. Morning Tea and BBQ Lunch provided. BYO gardening gloves and wear old clothes. More details for the Working Bee are included in the P & F Section of this newsletter.
Playground Construction
We are so close to the arrival of our new playground. Sit tight and be patient it’s almost here! Thank you to everyone who has helped in the preparation and construction.
Cross Country
I look forward to seeing all our students run the cross country next Friday. Don’t forget you can order a BBQ lunch for the day. Please prepay on QKR.
Save the Date:
- Primary Birthday Celebrations: Friday 17thMay, from 3-7pm William Cowper Campus
- Prep – Year 2 Easter Hat Parade, Wednesday 10thApril, Bishop Peter Chiswell Hall
- ANZAC Day, Thursday 25thApril – in the school holidays we will be marching in FULL SCHOOL WINTER UNIFORM
Parent Teacher Interviews
During Week 11 parents will have the opportunity to meet with their child’s class teacher in Parent Teacher Interviews. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to partner with the school enabling a successful learning journey for your child.
Bookings with teachers can be made via The Hub. The link to these booking function can be found in the blue menu on the top of The Hub dashboard.
Kookaburra Club
Don’t forget Kooka is fully booked on Tuesday and Wednesday. Changes in the afternoon need to me made through Melanie Archbold. Phone: 5776 5220 or Email:
Change in Routine
If your child has a change in their afternoon routine, for example their grandparents are collecting them instead of you, or they’re going home with a friend, please phone or email Primary Admin. Even if your child knows the change it is helpful for the school to be aware, particularly for younger students. Lately there has been a number of students needing to phone home because they are unsure of afternoon arrangements. Please be mindful that making changes to arrangements very close to 2:50pm is difficult as children are winding up the day and getting a message through is harder. Please give as much notice as possible.
Phone: 5776 5220 or Email:
Winter Uniform
Please start thinking about your uniform needs for Term 2. Try on your old uniforms and make time to go to the Uniform Shop if needed. At the start of
Assembly Awards
Kindergarten Green | Grace Hooley, Hunter Slack-Smith |
Kindergarten White | Will Henry, Alex Bijnens |
Year 1 Green | Lucas Lu, Jock Bowing |
Year 1 White | Sofia Mureau, Jarvis Dobson |
Year 2 Green | Aleksey Chambers, Eva McGarrity |
Year 2 White | Mitch Hobbs, Chloe Farrell |
Year 3 Green | Alex Betts, Lucy Murray |
Year 3 White | Amy Gamble, Lachlan Alker |
Year 4 Green | On Excursion |
Year 4 White | On Excursion |
Year 5 Green | Chloe McEvoy, Annicka McCulloch |
Year 5 White | Rose Vickery, Marcus MacDonald, Dominique Baker |
Year 6 Green | Flynn Andrews, Lilli Rapley, Jack Robinson |
Year 6 White | Sam Trevaskis, Oscar Turner, Allison Tooley |
Christian Studies | Robert Gell, Lachlan Alker |
Japanese | Jock Bowring, Sofia Mureau, Emma Leighton, Georgia Wearne |
Infants Assembly Roster
Week 9 Friday 29 March | Kinder Green - Mrs Bargwanna |
Week 10 Friday 5 April | No Asembly - Cross Country |
Week 11 Friday 12 April | Easter Service - Mrs Collins |
Primary Assembly Roster
Week 9 Friday 29 March | Year 6 White - Miss Hopkins |
Week 10 Friday 5 April | No Assembly - Cross Country |
Week 11 Friday 12 April | Easter Service - Mrs Collins |
Primary Enviro Club
On Monday, the Calrossy Primary representatives for our newly formed ‘Enviro Club’ students were presented with their badges.
This club was formed with the aim that students would create a more environmentally friendly playground and school. The students will be responsible for recycling and popper collection, as well as developing new initiatives for our school that will help to create change for the better and make a difference to our future world. Each class selected a representative to be a part of this club and with our first meeting already complete, we have many creative ideas that we are excited to start at our school.
Working Bee - Help Needed
We need some help to spruce up a few things at the William Cowper Campus. The P & F have kindly offered to help and have all the equipment required so additional hands make light work this Saturday, 30 March from 8:00am to 1:00pm.
There are jobs for everyone and all skills, with a chance to give the campus some extra TLC and build on the Calrossy Community. Jobs include: oiling the verandahs, painting games in the primary, painting up the Kiss and Drop Lane and Speed Humps, installing a rainwater tank near the veggie patch, general gardening and painting a chess board in the Primary area.
We will have a morning tea and BBQ lunch with some drinks for all the helpers.
Contact Michael Wilson for more detail on 5776 5100.