What's happening at CHPS

Performing Arts News


 Hi families,

Hope you are all well and are settling in to home learning. We here at CHPS are endeavouring to make sure this term is as normal as possible for our students.  As such, the Music Captains Tahli & Abbie are working out a way to run Choir remotely, which we believe we have finally achieved.  I have broken the existing Choir up into a Year 3 Choir and a Year 4/Senior Choir, just to make it easier to run virtual sessions. The Year 3 Choir will run on Wednesdays at 2:30pm and the Year 4/Senior Choir will run on Mondays at 2:30pm,  using Google meets.  If you are interested in joining we have a google classroom!  I will be uploading resources Monday mornings to get us ready for our Choir sessions for the week.  I will be looking to start the Choir(s) in Week 3 or 4, once we have enough students for them to run effectively (ideally all those who are in our existing school Choir).  We are also open to new members and want this to be a fun escape for our students, so no choir uniforms or contracts will be necessary this term.

So please jump on board and add your name to be part of Term 2 Virtual Choir (this includes existing Choir members please).

Year 3 Choir: mcoeqdy

Year 4/Senior Choir: 75kc22k

As always stay happy and healthy

Mr King 😊

Sports News

Online Learning

Well hasn’t this been an experience for all of us!  In PE over the past few weeks, we have been asking students to make sure they have a break and go out and do something physical to give their minds and bodies a break from the screen.  Mrs Yorke has been posting activities for the Preps and Juniors and I have been posting work for the Middles and Seniors.  I have also been popping into classes each morning,  either as a surprise visit or assisting teachers with checking in, so it’s been great to see everyone’s smiling faces.  Thank you to the Mids and Seniors who have had a go at their Chalk Walk so far and posted their videos.  If you haven’t got around to it yet, just have it on your “to do list”, if you wish to have a go and share your creation on Google classroom.  I know that those who have been drawing their Chalk Walk on the public shared footpaths have had others in their neighbourhood having a go at it as well which is awesome!!

Amelia SWS
Noah MBJ
Amelia SWS
Noah MBJ

Each week I will post different activities and challenges for you to do. Please don’t feel stressed that you have to do these , but if you have a bit of time and you would like to do it for some physical activity, then give it a go. These activities over the weeks are suggestions for you and they may help you to keep a bit fitter.  If you are doing something different to the suggested activities, please take a photo because we would love to see what you are doing.  You can share this on your Google Classroom as we check this every day.  You can also have a look at what the different levels are doing and try their activities yourself.

Zoe having a go at Spiderman Yoga
Zoe having a go at Spiderman Yoga

Noreen McMenaman - PE/Sport

What's Happening in the Library, you ask?

Hopefully lots of you are using this time of ‘Lockdown’ to rediscover a love of reading. I am still busily getting new books ready for the Library for when we return - working from home on some days and in the Library at school on others. 

I have managed to read one ‘grown up’ book and a few of the books that come from the school library.  It is surprising how good some of the books from our school library are!  Many of you have shared the ‘Harry Potter’ series with your children and there are other well-written series that you may enjoy with them.  Some series that may entertain both adults and children are the ‘Girltopia’ series by Hilary Rogers, the ‘Conspiracy 365’ series by Gabrielle Lord and the ‘Liars’ series by Jack Heath.  It may also be a great time for you to introduce some of the classics to your children and re-read them yourselves.  Books like ‘Gulliver’s Travels’, ‘Anne of Green Gables’ (one of my all time favourites) and ‘The Secret Garden’.

Also remember that it costs nothing to join your local library and, while the doors to these libraries may not be open, there are many books available from them as e-books.

Some of you will know that we usually hold our Book Fair in Term 2.  We have unfortunately had to postpone it at this stage, but we are looking at running it later in the year.  Fingers crossed.  😊

Sue Offer - Library Technician

CHAPS Update

Hi Everyone

We hope you have all settled into Term 2 with remote learning.

What a big learning curve for us all, but like many I feel so proud to be a part of our school community.

Our staff are amazing with what they have achieved in a short time. Thank you to those children who wrote letters & drew pictures for our staff. They loved receiving them & it brightened their day.

Thank you to Kate and Pinchapoo, who also organised self care packs as a thank you for our hard working staff.

We look forward to school life returning to normal soon and celebrating our community with a CHAPS get together.

Take care😊