Visual Arts

Artists of the week

We have no designated artists of the week this newsletter. Most of the children are involved in long term projects and so we have no new work to showcase. We are showcasing our processes, however! A stroll down the corridors near the art room will reveal papier-mache dragons and bunyips mid production. They may not look too detailed at the moment, but they are going to be fantastic! Under tables there are also stacks of fence pickets for they grade 5 and 6 children. They will each be decorating a picket with bright colours, and these will be put up in the school yard as an art work they leave behind as a gift to the school. The year 1 and 2 boats continue to sail along. Some have even made it into the library! Within the art-room, the Foundation children are working on fabulous spring garden paintings, and the Kimmy Cantrell inspired masks of the grade 5 and 6 children are drying prior to being fired.

On Thursday evening our art-room hosted a meeting of the Boroondara Art Teachers' Network and the visitors were very impressed with what they saw and heard of our program. We all shared ideas about what we hope to achieve next year, so please, continue to watch this space! And our instagram page! Have I mentioned that?  #boroondaraparkvisualart

Jennifer Hortin