Catholic Identity

                                        Mercy Prayer

We pray for the Sisters of Mercy, who established our school and for the priests who have served at

St. Mary’s.  It is through their vision,  determination and strong faith that we enjoy the benefits of a 

                                                                   Catholic Education here in Mooroopna.

We are proud to be a Mercy School, where the values of love and justice are taught and lived every day.

Mass of Compassion - Vinnies Winter Appeal -Fri. June 14th

On Friday 14th June, we  celebrated our annual Mass of Compassion and launched our Winter Appeal for the St. Vincent de Paul Society.   Thank you to everyone for their wonderful participation in the Liturgy especially the students fro 3/4 JG & AB who led our 'freeze mime' and Prayers of the Faithful.

At the beginning of Mass, class representatives brought forward a basket of goods that had been collected for St. Vinnies.  We also had an enormous amount of foodstuffs and winter clothing and blankets piled up at the front office ready for collection.

Members of the Social Justice Grade Six Leadership Team spoke at Mass and presented the goods we had collected to representatives from St.Vinnies.  Our donations go towards assisting the many homeless people and families who need assistance in our community.  By visiting the Vinnies shop and making a purchase we also assist them to raise funds to help with their many programs and the generous support of the people in Mooroopna.

Members were also invited to share morning tea with the Social Justice Team as further recognition of their great work in our community.

Immersion Tour Support -

Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent casual clothes day and also the recent Zooper Dooper sales which allowed us to donate $200, to each of the three Immersion Tour groups from Notre Dame. $600 total from St. Mary's, a wonderful effort.  Thank you everyone.

Confirmation Program-  for Grade Six students

 Enrolment forms and further information have been sent home to families of Grade Six children about the Sacrament of Confirmation.  The Sacrament will be celebrated by Bishop Leslie Tomlinson on Sunday 1st September at 11.30am.  A Parent Information session will take place on Thursday 18th July at 7pm in the Marian Centre.  If there is anyone in Grade Six who has not received the information and is interested in more information about the Sacrament please contact Mrs Lee.

Sacramental Program -  

This year we will be celebrating the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation.

Confirmation will be for children in Grade Six who have previously made their Reconciliation and Eucharist.  This Sacrament will be celebrated on Sunday 1st September at 11.30am by Bishop Leslie Tomlinson. 

 First Eucharist will take place on Sunday 24th November for children who have currently commenced their sacramental journey and made their Reconciliation.