(Acting) Principal's Report

Angela Dawson

Fathers Day Stall and Junior Cross Country

For those of you who were able to attend our inaugural Junior Cross Country last week or our Fathers Day Stalls, you will know how absolutely wonderful it was to welcome the entire community back on the school site for these events. It was great to be back together again celebrating the successes of our junior runners! The coffee van was also greatly appreciated by all who attended.


I would like to extend my appreciation to Kate Savigny (PE) for her organisation of the sports event and to Carli Kawalksy and the fundraising committee of the School Council for their efforts on the day.


With all this in mind, we were able raise the amazing figure of $2,557.78!


Naplan 2022

Naplan results for our Years 3 and 5 students have been received at school and sent home with all families. Please ensure that you keep these results in a safe place, as we do not keep official copies of these at school that we can provide you with in the future.


I would like to congratulate all of our students on their wonderful results and the efforts that they put into their first NAPLAN experience. I would also like to congratulate our teachers on all the high quality teaching and learning experiences that have been provided to our students over their schooling that have given them so many tools to use in situations such as NAPLAN.


We are currently analysing the NAPLAN data at year level, school, network, regional and state levels, and will feed back to you further next term on all of our successes.



2023 Enrolments - Due ASAP

Do you have a child at kinder who is due to start school next year? It is time to enrol them here at Valkstone! Enrolments for 2023 are open, with enrolment forms available from our school office or downloadable from the school website.


We know that there are a number of siblings who are due to attend VPS next year for whom we do not yet have enrolment forms. 


We have already started planning our transition groups and sessions for next term, and it will help us greatly with planning if we have these enrolments as soon as possible. 



Students not returning in 2023 - Prep to Y5

If you know that your child/ren will not be returning to Valkstone in 2023, please email the school office at valkstone.ps@education.vic.gov.au to notify us as soon as possible. Please include details of their last day with us here at Valkstone, the name of their new school, and a forwarding address if applicable. 


Please note that if your child is currently in Year 6, this does NOT apply to you as we already have all their transition information.



Term 3 Values

Our values for this term are Fairness and Honesty.














Acknowledgement of Country

At Valkstone we respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Victoria and pay respect to the ongoing living cultures of First Peoples.