Student Welfare and Wellbeing News

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respective Relationships News

Lego Club 

What a fabulous five weeks it has been in Lego Master Builders, our in-house Lego Based Therapy program.

Students have been exercising social skills, problem solving and positive communication whilst undertaking a team Lego build. 

It is wonderful seeing such enthusiasm and passion.  Students have indeed shown how persistent they can be when their creation becomes a little tricky at times.  The pride shown on their faces once they have accomplished a team build is truly precious!

Supporting Wellbeing over the holidays

Mental health support, resources and advice are available for students and families to access over the school holidays. Fact sheets for students and families have been developed in 19 different languages to:

  • support positive mental health and wellbeing of students
  • identify signs students may need mental health support
  • access available support.

Please see the DET website for further information

Information for parents, carers and families

This fact sheet provides tips and resources for parents, carers and families of children and young people in their care over the school holidays. This includes services to reach out to if more support for them is needed